☆ chapter 14

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"i hate you." she wrote.


Normal perspective.

It's already June. Summer vacation has started. Ray and Aiden are more distant now. Even if Ray tries getting closer to both Aiden and Noah it wouldn't work. Noah and Aiden have been the duo ever since, so as Naomi and Ryu. Both of this duo is going to the mall. Basically a double date. On the way, they are separated because they are taking different trains.



"You're so interested into that book! You didn't even recognize me much. Remember we're matching?!"

"Yeah, of course I remember. One sec."

He says as he flips the page, this leaves Ryu really annoyed. She looks into his book. It was a manga. A romance. Ryu looks over seeing the two main characters at a beach. The girl was wearing a bikini. Ryu looked up at Aiden then back down at the manga. Was he reading.. A sexual romance?!

"Aiden?! What the hell are you reading?!"

He blushes immediately.

"I promise it's not like that-- it's just a beach part! Obviously the girl is gonna wear that!!"

"You never saw me in that?!"

"Because we never went to the beach, Ryu. Plus, do you even have one? You told me you hate revealing your body at the beach."

"That was last month!! I change my mind. We should go to the beach."

"Why? Now you wanna see me shirtless?"

"What?! No!! I just wanna have fun!"

Aiden smirks. Ryu blushes immediately.

"We're in grade 10 you weirdo!"

"Almost grade 11."

"Please. Does that really do much of a difference?"

"I'm just joking, I don't want that either."



"Naomi!! Let's go in Garage!!"

"Omg I love that store! You guys wanna come?"

Aiden and Noah look at eachother. Then back at the girls.


"Ryu! Can I pick?"

"Ya!! Come here!"

The 2 rush into the store. Much attention was drawn onto them. They were both matching as said earlier.

Let's just say it looked somewhat like this

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Let's just say it looked somewhat like this.

"Ryu! you should get this!"


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 05 ⏰

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