Chapter Six

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A/N - it's Robert Downey Jr's birthday, of course I'm celebrating with another chapter ;)

May 1st, 2015

There's been many times within the past few years where I've wondered why I used to enjoy certain things. As someone that used to enjoy being in show business, I couldn't think of anything more uncomfortable to be around than crowds. Perhaps it was due to the fact that back then, my senses weren't dialed up nearly as high as they are now. Or maybe it's because over the last few decades, I've grown to really, really not like people.

Either way, I was beyond relieved when the guests of the party finally left.

Now, the only people that remained were the team, Hill, Rhodey, and Dr. Cho, who I didn't even realize was here until now. All of us were sat in the main seating area at the center of the room, having casual and rather amusing conversation with our drinks in hand. Thor and Steve sat next to each other on the long couch, I sat on the arm of the opposite side of the couch to ensure I'd have plenty of free space around me while I sipped a new glass of Moscato. Rhodey Stark sat in the seats across from me, Hill, Barton, and Banner next to them in the couch across from mine, and Natasha with a sleeping Dr. Cho next to them to complete the circle. At the center of us was a coffee table, with multiple glasses and plates with empty takeout boxes littered across it, and at it's center was Thor's hammer.

"So in other words, no one but you or someone at least as, quote on quote, "worthy" as you, can lift that thing?" I asked with furrowed, quizzical brows as I stared at Thor.

"Yes." he replied simply with a large grin, taking another sip from his beer.

I furrowed my brows even deeper, perplexed at the physics. "How is that even decided? Is the hammer conscious?"

"In a way, yes it is." Thor chuckled with his reply.

My brows raised at that. "So it's like Santa Clause?" I questioned, almost sarcastically.

The group laughed at that, finding it to be just as amusing and perplexing as I did.

"But it's a trick." Barton cut in, flipping a chopstick in his hand.

"No, no. It's much more than that." Thor reassured, raising his brows.

I sat my glass down next to me, glancing between all of them like the entire conversation was the most ridiculous thing to happen tonight, despite my clear amusement. I couldn't help but notice Banner and Natasha next to Barton, having their own little conversation quietly as this all went on. A part of me wanted to be nosy and pay attention to it.

""Ah, whoever be he worthy shall haveth the power." Whatever, man! It's a trick." Barton mocked, teasingly, warning a chuckle from Thor.

Yeah, this is too good to ignore.

"Well please, be my guest." Thor challenged, gesturing towards the hammer on the table in front of us.

The room got quiet for a few moments, everyone patiently waiting for Barton's response now that he was put on the spot. He looked between us, his eyes locking on mine for a moment as if he was waiting for me to do something about it. I raised my brows, as if to silently tell him 'nope, this is all you.'"

"Come on." Stark urged, impatiently."

"Really?" Barton replied, already fed up with the challenge.

Stark smirked, nodding. "Yeah."

Barton stood to his feet, putting both chopsticks that he had been holding in his left hand as he walked around the table to reluctantly stand in front of the hammer, closely examining it.

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