Persea x Harry

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There are many things that Persea expected to see at her front door at 2 in the morning, a God yet again needing her help, one of her friends, or even a polite monster, not a drenched to the bone Harry who looked as though he'd seen better days on the back end of a centaur.

"Harry! Quick come in, you're drenched," Persea says panicked, trying to keep quiet as her mum, little sister Estelle and stepdad Paul were asleep. Pulling Harry in quickly, taking in her shivering and pale image and deciding to comfort the soaked hurt kitten that stands before her.

"Sorry i'm even here," Harry begins, sniffling. Whether it was the cold or his crying that caused him to, Persea had no clue. "It's just I didn't know where else to go," He continues, tears and rain mixing on his cheeks.

"Hey, don't ever apologise for coming to me, ever," Persea says softly but firmly before bringing him into a hug, not caring about the rain that drenched Harry's form. "You are always welcome to come find me whenever you need me, okay," Persea says gently, beginning to run her fingers through Harry's messy locks, noting how uncared for they were.

"Its just... you have a lot on your plate already without needing to add my issues as well," Harry continues to sniffle steady tears falling down his cheeks in his distress. Persea pulls Harry in tighter, allowing the warmth of her body to seep into Harry's.

"Μαργαριτάρι μου, hey, listen to me," Persea encourages softly, "Don't worry about it okay? i am always here for you, through the good and the bad, I'd be a really shitty girlfriend if i wasn't," Persea jokes.

"Your problems are my problems, wasn't that what you told me?" Persea says with a soft grin, tilting Harry's face up to meet her eyes by the chin. "You don't have to tell me what the problem is, you don't even have to talk, we can just go lay down on the sofa or my bed and relax," Persea offers.

Not wanting to talk about it, or talk at all, Harry shoves his face into Persea's neck. Understanding this action as was intended, Persea led them both to her room and soon enough, Persea was laying on her back with Harry splayed across her chest looking comfortable as ever in his girlfriend's arms, face plush against Persea's breasts.

After a couple minutes of soaking in the warmth his human heater of a girlfriend emits, Harry lets out a small sigh "...Why don't they understand?" Harry mutters.

Persea just lets out a low hum to show she was listening.

"I don't like Ginny, and don't ever see myself dating her, even if I wasn't with you," Harry mutters. "I don't understand why they keep on pushing me to get with her," Harry begins to stress.

"I don't know either Μαργαριτάρι μου but they shouldn't be pressuring you to do something that you don't want to." Persea soothes.

"I've told them that im dating someone, but they don't care, they don't listen," Harry's voice begins to rise before he whispers "They never listen,"

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with that hon," Persea softly says while running her fingers through Harry's hair.

"It's like my opinions don't matter to them, they think that the reason I won't date Ginny is because she's Ron's sister, but I couldn't care less about that. I'm already in a committed and happy relationship," Harry rants to Persea. Tears now long gone and replaced with annoyance, annoyance at Ron, annoyance at Hermione and annoyance at Ginny.

"Just because I saved her from a Basilisk in second year doesn't mean that I want to be in a relationship with her. At this point it's an unhealthy obsession rather than a childhood infatuation," Harry brings his hand to his hair and starts tugging at it. Persea grasps Harry's hand and brings it away from his hair, softly massaging it to bring comfort.

Persea kisses Harry's forehead and mutters "Calm down Μαργαριτάρι μου, i've got you," Harry just sags into her hold, he hadn't known he'd been so high strung. "Those 'friends' of yours, and I use the term friends very loosely here, they aren't good for you, especially from what I've heard about them." Persea starts, Harry starts to make noises akin to disagreement.

"Shh, sh," Persea softly shushes him. "Just listen to me here Ry, please?" Persea asks gently, Harry keeps quiet, but nods. "They don't respect your decisions, when you say no or you don't want to to something, they pressure you to do it, not only that, but throughout the years, they've gone from hating you one moment to not wanting you out their sight the next, that sort of environment isn't good for your mentality Hyacinth," Persea says tenderly with a crease between her eyebrows at the worry she held for her boyfriend.

"I know, I know, it's just, they were with me through all the shit Dumbledore and Riddle chucked at me, and..." Harry trails off.

"I know the feeling hon, i do, wanting to cling onto what kept you sane for all those years even if it slowly drives you insane in turn. But you have to think, are people that don't take your feelings or wants into account in matters that include you, are they really worth being driven insane for?" Persea asks sympathetically.

Harry just mutters into Persea's chest, the words muffled and unintelligible but it still brought an amused smile to Persea's face. "Come on Μαργαριτάρι μου i can't hear you properly with your face squished against my chest," Persea lightly chuckles.

"Fuck you," Harry grounds out annoyed.

"No thank you, we're waiting till we're older remember," Persea teases him, causing Harry to groan.

"You're an insufferable idiot," Harry mutters, masking his amusement.

"But I'm your insufferable idiot," Persea says with a smug smile.

Kissing Persea on the lips with an indulgent smile "That you are, that you are,"

And that's how they say for the rest of the night, Harry resting on Persea's chest, and Persea smiling lovesick at her comfortable boyfriend.



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