xv. | screwdriver phobia

Start from the beginning

Emery nodded, looking back at the house. Dean had stepped away from the group and pulled out his phone. John grabbed his phone and stared at it, ready for the phone to say '1 missed call'.

It never did, instead, Emery's started ringing. The girl grabbed it, before putting her finger to her lips and answering it.

"Hey, Dean, what's up?" Emery asked, voice cheery.

"Where are you, Em, I thought you needed to make a call."

"Well, apparently an old family friend moved to Lawrence and they saw me making the call. They invited me over and I couldn't refuse. They make best Cherry Pie in the world," Emery explained.

"Oh, well, we're at Jenny's, for when you get finished up there," Dean said and Emery looked at him through the windshield again. He looked sad. Did he need some pie?

"Yeah, okay, Winchester, thanks for the heads up," Emery said. "I'll see you then."

"Yeah, bye."

And with that, both Emery and Dean hung up their phones. The pair in the truck watched as Dean walked up the steps of Jenny's house and went inside.

"So, tell me, what do you think is in that house," John asked, looking over at the girl.

"What do you mean?" Emery asked wide-eyed.


John had taken the girl for lunch at a place he know Sam and Dean wouldn't go. And, as Emery ate her fancy looking dish, she listened to John, explaining everything he had deduced about the thing that killed Mary.

"...it's obviously a higher up demon," John stated, looking at the girl. "Higher pay grade, or else he probably would have killed our whole family."

"Which probably would have meant I would had died, since you couldn't have saved me," Emery said, looking up from her food at John.

"Not necessarily," John spoke, and Emery gave him a confused look.

"Look, Emery, when I saved you," John started. "I wasn't exactly hunting the werewolf."

Emery straightened out. "What do you mean, 'wasn't exactly hunting the werewolf'?"

"I mean, there was something else in that town that was supernatural and I followed the leads to your house," John said. "You were adopted by the Wilsons, right? That made you the most obvious target because you were the only one I could find without the birth certificate stating your parents."

"Did you find my real parents?" Emery's voice sounded hopeful. The hope diminished, however, when John shook his head.

"No, sorry, Em."

"Then, why do you think there was another supernatural creature and not just the werewolf?" Emery asked.

"Because, people were in the hospital with some kind of illness that made them do something, saying that they needed to finish it," John stated. "The last known case was your old childhood friend, Alex Parker."

Emery looked at him horrified. She couldn't have done that. She didn't remember doing that.

"Emery, all these attacks stopped when you left," John then stated and Emery shook her head.

"What, so I'm a siren? Making people see what they want so they do stuff that I want? Or am I a witch without even knowing it? That makes no sense, John!"

"How do you know about Sirens?"

"What?" Emery asked, confused.

"I've never hunted a Siren, how do you know about them?" John demanded.

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now