The Nelson-spring children

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The Nelson-spring children are really well raised kids and they are close friends with Tao,Elle's children named Noelle and Collin who always seemed to be up to some mischief. So the four children teamed up and caused some mischief together while their parents were working. Sarah was the curious one who was always thinking outside the box,problem solver and she was also a really creative child growing up so Sarah the one everyone came to when they needed a creative thinker who thinks outside of the box. Her compassionate and caring heart sometimes get her to give people to many chances even though the were mean to her in school cause she deep down that people could change and become better, Sarah also always looking out for her brother Julio who is being bullied in school. Julio is the second and youngest child, Julio was a shy boy who didn't have much friends. Julio is diagnosed with dyslexic and add that he gets bullied for in school but his sister Sarah was always there for him after the bullies beat him up, they punched,kicked and called him some nasty things, when he told Sarah after a few months that he was being bullied at school Sarah went rouge and tried to punish the bullies for treating her brother badly but Julio stopped her because he was afraid he would get bullied worse when they bullies find out that he told his big sister about it so he tries to lie to Sarah that he could handle the bullies but Sarah kinda knew it was a lie,she gave him one chance to fix it himself and if he didn't she would destroy the bullies lives. Sarah and Julio caused some mischief when at home bored cause it was quiet a lot of the time since their parents were working a lot to provide to the the family , the children have a strong connection together and it was driven by curiosity and laughter about the world around them. Sarah and her best friend Noelle sometimes liked to go shopping so they could spend some time together alone from their brothers. Noelle and Sarah were planning to go to Sephora and H&M to buy some makeup and clothes for back to school. Sarah and Noelle are in H&M shopping for clothes to wear for school and a conversation they are having:
Sarah -hey Noelle?
Noelle - yeah Sarah what's up?
Sarah - what do you think of this black hoodie and pants together, do they suit me or should I get it in another colour?
Noelle - don't you already have like five of those at home so you could buy a hoodie in another colour so you can mix and match, the pants are nice and they look good those are also on sale so buy them
Sarah - I'll buy them and you're right I do have many black hoodies at home so maybe I'll buy some hoodies in other colours
They are now at Sarah house and Noelle is waiting for her parents to come pick her and Collin up from Sarah's house. A knock is heard and it's Tao and Elle that came to pick Noelle and Collin up, they said goodbye to Sarah and Julio and went home, soon after they left Their dads came home and hugged them when they saw them
Nick - how was your day kids?
Charlie - did you have fun with Noelle and Collin?
Sarah and Julio - yeah we had a great day and we missed you
Nick and Charlie - how about we get some chips and some drinks and watch a movie together while you guys tell us about your day?
Sarah - yeah I'm up for it but Julio seems really tired so I think he wants to sleep but I'll watch a marvel movie with you guys
"The movie starts and halfway through it Sarah falls asleep in her dad Charlie's arms"
Nick - *he says in whispering voice to Charlie* hey char it looks like our daughter fell asleep in your arms, should we move her?
Charlie - *whispers back and says softly to Nick* no it's fine let her sleep in my arms, maybe I'll fall asleep too and look as peaceful as her, she sleeps like an angel she's our angel.

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