〉 Let Me Know 〈

Start from the beginning

"First time on a yacht?"

"On this one? Yes," she replied curtly, not even turning towards him. "Did you rent it just for us?"

A glass filled with golden liquid appeared within her sight. Tempted as if by the devil himself, she slowly turned to face Dae. He looked at her with those chocolatey eyes of his, and although she wanted to resist, they drew her in like magnets. She could feel his breath on her face. That was surely enough to know he was standing far too close.

"Rented it for you," he mumbled quickly, then swiftly changed the subject. "This is the main deck. We'll have lunch... and dinner here. And this is also where the dinghy is."


Dae laughed, pointing to the small boat. "You've seen it before. It's the boat we can use to sail to a little island if you'd like. Further on, we have a lounge area with sofas..." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, indicating the direction to the upper deck. A gentle shiver ran down her spine. His touch was unexpectedly pleasant. He slowly withdrew his hand, brushing her with his fingertips. He knew exactly what he was doing, though he tried to play innocent. He continued cheerfully explaining the yacht to her. "And downstairs... downstairs are the cabins. If you'd like to spend the night here."

A silence fell between them. Neither of them wanted to be the one to answer that question. It hung in the air, unspoken. Did they want to spend the night here?


"Whoopsie, sweetie, wait a second, lunch is gonna be fashionably late," Dae teased with a grin when he saw Carmina sitting comfortably at the table. Her eyes twinkled with curiosity, and she tilted her head, a playful smirk playing on her lips.

"Oh? What's the hold-up... Sweetie?" amused, she mirrored his pet name.

Dae chuckled, drawing closer to her, their breaths mingling in the salty air. "Well, darling, I can't navigate these waters and munch at the same time."

A light bulb of understanding flickered in Carmina's mind. She giggled happily. Excited, she chased after him, and with a burst of affection, she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close in a tender embrace. Dae froze in place. Her sudden hug was the last thing he would expect. For a moment, he forgot how to breathe.

"Hey, Dae, can I also peek into the captain's cabin?" her sweet voice woke him up from this trance.
"Of...of course you can,"  he stuttered a little, letting her go in.

In the cabin, Carmina's eyes immediately fell upon the captain's hat resting on a hook. She instantly plucked it from its place and turned towards Dae. "Hey, look what I found!" Before he even realized what was happening, she placed the hat on his head. It fit him perfectly. He laughed.

"Well, how do I look?"

Carmina gulped. He looked heavenly. She scolded herself for her own thoughts, but all that came to mind now was how good he must look in a naval officer's uniform. "Absolutely adorable. Let's snap a picture!"

"I thought you weren't a fan of taking photos."

She chuckled. "It's not about whether I want them. It's about safety."

"What changed now?" Dae whispered in her ear. She smiled, but she didn't bother to answer. "Ever tried steering a ship before?" he continued, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Steering a ship? No, can't say I have," she replied, amused.

"Well, considering your love for taking control, I thought you might enjoy it," he teased.

Let Me In ✔️ | ENGWhere stories live. Discover now