Embrace || pt 3

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To be honest, I was still hella confused about my schedule, but i aint wanna make any changes. I only got one class alone so i think i'll be good. My first period was with huey. It was Language arts. Me and him walked together to class. I noticed he was real close, like shoulder to shoulder type close, but i aint say anything.

"You any good at writing?" asked Huey, "I am actually. I guess you could say it's a hobby of mine." Huey raises an eyebrow, "Really?" I give him a confused look. "Why, do i not look like an innocent lil writer?" "Not really, no." i scoff at his remark and let out a small smile. "You know, i could make myself look more innocent." "what? Huey says. "In my old school, i changed my whole appearance and personality for those fuck ass "friends" i had. I've always been a creative person, whether that be writing, drawing, or playing an instrument." You look up at Huey and notice he has a different expression for once on his face. His mouth was a little open. "Wow, i aint really expect that from you. But why change for others?" i hesitated to give him an answer. I looked down for a second, "i just wanted validation, everyone saw me as some innocent little girl who probably hadn't even learned about sex. But all the people i hung out with matured so much faster than me and i wanted to fit in, so i started wearing heavy-ass makeup and changing into a style that aint feel like me. I started becoming more rude to people for no reason." you start to feel a little reclusive after saying that.

"You dont gotta change yourself for us tho, you can be yourself around us Y/N. We wont judge or force you to be someone you aint. Its better for you to be comfortable the way you are, especially around us." says Huey. You look up to him with a smile on your face. "Thanks Huey, that actually felt nice to hear." His face gets a little red, but his scowl still remains on his face, he nods. We both made it to class, and i walked to the teacher. She looked pissed that i was there. "You're the new student right," she asks me. Huey and I look at each other in confusion. "Uhhh, yeah i am." I say. The teacher says "Well it seems like you already became friends with Huey, and no one sits with him so go to his table." She remained pissed off, for no apparent reason. Huey and I sit down and put our bookbags down. The whole lesson was just a lot yappin but with no actual lesson to learn. But it wasn't all that bad, especially since i was with Huey. He showed me how to do the actual assignment since the teacher's explanation was fuckin awful. I had Orchestra with Jazmine next. I wasn't too far from the room, and somehow Jazmine was already there before me. She saved a spot next to her for me. I was able to pick an instrument. I chose upright bass, and Jazmine gave me a puzzled look. "Why didn't you choose like a viola like me? It's better to carry around." "i suck ass at violin and viola girl, i love playing electric bass tho. So i thought this wouldn't be any different." "YOU PLAY ELECTRIC BASS???" squeals Jazmine. Everyone's attention went to us, I looked around, embarrassed, and nodded to Jazmine. She had a huge smile on her face for the rest of the period for some reason.

I now had Pre-calc with Huey, i got to class and he also got there earlier than i did, alone with a book at a table. I waved to Huey and introduced myself to the teacher. He seemed pretty optimistic and let me sit wherever i wanted. I obviously chose to sit wit Huey. "do you ever stop reading?" I asked him. "Nah, not really. Reading is good for you, you should know." "Well yeahhh but why not read about, like, action, comics, anything like that?" "Don't make me smarter." He responded in a monotone voice still glued to his book. "You is smart already Huey; sometimes its okay to have fun. You don't always have to be serious, or more mature than everyone else. Its cool to let ur childness out." Huey looks up at me with an eyebrow raised, He shuts his book and puts it down. "Well, you're the first person who has ever said that to me." wow, this dude really need some fun in his life. Good thing im here. 

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