Game Five (2/2)

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Lemonn: "Emotion switch!!"

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Lemonn: "Emotion switch!!"

Marmo: "what?"

(I'm using my opposites AU for this)

Collin: (because in my opposites au, Clara's trans) "does anyone have coffee?"

Marmo: 💀

Rachel: "what the—

Lemonn: "stay family friendly."

Rachel: "whatever." *rolls eyes*

Ira: "what did you do to her?!?"

Marmo: "look at this! He actually pays attention to his girlfriend!"

Ira: "she's not my—

Rachel: "smash."

Ira: *0///0*

Marmo: *dying of laughter on the ground*

Maya: "can you guys shut up?"

(Were we counting Regina as Mercenare in this dare Molly? I know you usually do so I'll have her as it.)

Regina: "oh my glitters... that's not Maya.."

Marmo: "whys she Emo?!?" *still laughing*

Collin: "I want coffee!!!"

Bel: "what is this? The Shadow Force?"

Mackenzie: "I'm not mean.."

Natalie: "I'm scared!"

Rachel: "if what?! There's literally nothing to be scared of!! You dumb—

Lemonn: "RACHEL!!"

Rachel: "jeez"

Maya: "Rachel's right. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU SCARED OF?!??!?"

Natalie: "AH!"

Collin: "shut up!"

Marmo: "okay, okay, this getting out of hand.." *trying to stop laughing*

Lemonn: "okay."

Marmo: "what's next?"

Lemonn: "storyline again!"


"Don't hurt my friend!" Diamond yelled.

"Marry me." Ira said.

"Uh— I— *0///0* will that protect my friend??" Diamond asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I guess."

"Fine, just don't hurt her!"

"Alright, whatever." Ira shrugged.


(And we're still featuring Diamond accidentally running into Ira) :)

"Hey!" Ira yelled.

"Sorry! It's not my fault the Glitter Charm made me so fast!" Diamond said.

"Ugh, you know what? I have a question for you."

"What is it?" Diamond asked.

"Your names Diamond, but do you have a ring?" Ira smirked.

"I'm not even dating you." Diamond said, catching on immediately.


"Date me, then maybe I will." Diamond crossed her arms.

"Fine with me."


"Are you an angel??" Ira asked.

"No why?"

"Cause I wanna marry you." Ira said.

"I swear-!" Rachel said, "Whatever, fine!"


"I can't let you do that!" Ira yelled, "it's too dangerous!"

"If Mayas going, I'm going!" Diamond said.


"Why not?!" Diamond yelled.


"Because why?"

"Because I wanna marry you—"

"Then maybe after the war."



Past Diamond: *laughing*

Rachel: "that was easy."

Past Diamond: "his face was hilarious!"

Rachel: "yeah!"

Past Diamond: "Oh! I wanted to ask, we do win, right?"

Rachel: "oh, yeah, and it's so fun!"

Past Diamond: "what happens?!"

Rachel: "Mayas going to be like, 'we've got to beat King Mercenare from the inside out'-"

Past Diamond: "what?!?"

Rachel: "I know, right? Then Ira's going to try and stop you because 'it's too dangerous'"

Past Diamond: "really?!?"

Rachel: "yeah!"

Past Diamond: "then what?"

Rachel: "you manage to get past him, the you have to hold off the Distains that try to stop you from getting inside King Mercenare."

Past Diamond: "You mean my friends leave me there?!"

Rachel: "yeah, but then you can't hold them off for much longer, and decide to freeze yourself and the Distains."

Past Diamond: "but we get out?"

Rachel: "yeah."

Past Diamond: "how?"

Rachel: "can't tell you yet."

Past Diamond: "awww..."

Rachel: "but then-


Rachel: "shoot, gotta go!"

Past Diamond: "but what happens next?!"

Rachel: "you'll find out on your own!!"

Past Diamond: "thanks a lot, Ira!"

Past Ira: "there's a war!!"


Lemonn: "Rachel you have one more dare."

Rachel: "okay"

Lemonn: "come here." *whispers dare*

Rachel: "okay. Hey, Marmo!"

Marmo: "what?"

Rachel: "I'm stealing this!"

Marmo: "stealing what— *starts laughing*

Ira: "hey! Put me down!!"

Rachel: "nope!"

Ira: *mad* *>//<*

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