Game One (Part Two)

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Marmo: "They're missing?!"

Regina: "yeaaaa..."

Lemonn: "I suppose I'll have to teleport them back here."

*Ira and Rachel appear eating ice cream*

Regina: "You went to go get ice cream?!"

Marmo: "Without us?!"

Ira: "Well, yeah. You said we could do whatever we want."

Lemonn: "Inside the closet!"

Rachel: "You didn't specify."

Regina: "What does specify mean?"

Lemonn: "Didn't specifically say."

Regina: "Oh."

Lemonn: "Gosh, just go back in the closet for another half-hour, and you can do anything as long as it's in the closet. Alright?"

Ira: "I don't want to."

Lemonn: "Well, at least I'm not stealing your ice cream, you can finish eating it in the closet."

Marmo: "I'm sorry, I might be dirty minded, but is no one else questioning why Ira's ice cream is blue?? I have never seen him eat blue ice cream."

Regina: "Woooaaah!!"

Ira: *blushes* "Hey!"

Rachel: "UhMm.."

Lemonn: "I... was just thinking that. Uhh, let's.. not talk about that... uHm.."

Marmo: "'Kay."

Lemonn: "just.. go back in the closet.."

Rachel: "Noo.. I feel weird now.."

Ira: "What did I even do wrong?!?"

Regina: "Nothing, we're just dirty minded."

Ira: "It's not even like that!"

Lemonn: "Okay, yeah, uhm.. we'll just do some of the other dares we have after that conversation.."

Marmo: "Fine."

Lemonn: "Annd.. I apologize, Ira and Rachel, because literally all of these are for you."

Ira: *sarcastically* "Great!"

Rachel: "I'd rather go back to the closet..."

Lemonn: "Sorry, it's too late for that."

Rachel: "Ohh..."

Regina: "Annyywayyysss... the dare?"

Marmo: "Yesss!!"

Lemonn: "Yeah, lemme see." *goes and grabs a receipt look item*

Lemonn: "Okay, Rachel?"

Rachel: "Yesss..?"

Lemonn: "I have to send you to the past, during your last fight with Kind Mercenare, and you have to kiss past Ira without context."

Rachel: "Whyy???"

Lemonn: "Because MollyDean5 said so."

Rachel: "Okay..."

Lemonn: *teleports Rachel to the past* "Alright, everyone!! Come over here!!"

Maya: "What?? I was making cake for Natalie."

Mackenzie: "Does it involve RiRa??"

Maya: "RiRa? What's that??"

Regina: "The ship name for Ira and Rachel that me, Marmo, and Mackenzie came up with. (Not true btw, just for the book.)"

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