Game One

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Lemonn: "Hi! And welcome back to Ask/Dare Glitter Force! Doki Doki!"

Natalie: "Why do you keep saying that??"

Lemonn: "Shut up, or you'll be saying it next."

Natalie: "I-... uhh.."

Lemonn: "Someone should talk back to you more often."

Mackenzie: "Dang.."

Natalie: "Shut up!"

Lemonn: "Regina.. Please.."

Regina: "Oh, sure." *puts a square white piece of tape with and "X" on Natalie's mouth."

Lemonn: "Thank you. Alright. We have dares today~☆"

Maya: "Dares?"

Lemonn: "You're not involved in them yet. Well.. kind of."

Mackenzie: "Then who is??"

Lemonn: "Heheh... You, Rachel, and Ira."

Rachel: *Coughs on water she was drinking* "WHAT?!"

Lemonn: "Haha.. But seriously, don't worry, Mackenzie's going first."

Mackenzie: "Whaaa.."

Lemonn: "You have to say what you really feel about everyone."

Mackenzie: "Okay..?"

Lemonn: "But first, lemme say Rachel's dare."

Rachel: "Oh heck no.."

Lemonn: "It's not that bad, MollyDean5 just asked you to only spend one hour in a closet with Ira."

Rachel: *0///0* "'Only one hour'?! With Ira?! Are you crazy?!"

Lemonn: "Yea. Kind of. But you get to do whatever you want."

Regina: "So like, .. seven minutes in heaven??"

Lemonn: "Yea, basically."

Rachel: "That doesn't make me feel better! But how's Ira even gunna get here??"

Lemonn: "Well, actually, by the power vested in me, because GlitterPlayer7  asked me to, I can teleport the whole trio here."

Mackenzie: "The whole trio?!"

Lemonn: "Yea."

Regina: *gAsP* "I wanna torture them!!"

Lemonn: "Sure, but Mackenzie has to say how she really feels about everyone, even the Mercinares, then you guys are playing truth or dare, then we're shoving Ira and Rachel into a closet."

Rachel: "I object!"

Lemonn: "I can offer the Pride&Prejudice Manga."

Rachel: "I.. Dang it, that's a good offer."

Lemonn: "I know, right?"

Marmo: "Where the heck are we?!"

Lemonn: "Welcome, you've been teleported here to play Ask/Dare."

Maya: "Heyyy, I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed, but you said 'the whole trio' but I only see Ira and Marmo?"

Lemonn: "They don't... they don't know??"

Marmo: *laughs*

Regina: "You mean Bel finally died?!"

Ira: "I wish."

Regina: "NooOooOo"

Bel: *in squeaky rat voice* "Stop wishing me dead!"

Mackenzie: *laughing really hard* "Wait, wait-! He's- pfft- He'S a RaT?!"

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