Game Two

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Lemonn: "Welcome back everyone!"

Rachel: *sarcastically* "yay..."

Lemonn: "well, aren't you lucky Rachel?"

Rachel: *sniff* "why can't Maya or maybe Mackenzie get dares?"

Lemonn: "That's not for me to decide."

Regina: "And is Natalie still- uhhh... where..ever you put her?"

Lemonn: *0-0* "I genuinely forgot about her.."

Marmo: "You forgot about her?!" *laughing*

Lemonn: "yeah... uhm... Anyways, Rachel you have to go back into the past."

Rachel: "hooray..."

Mackenzie: "Are you okay?!"

Rachel: "I was really busy yesterday, and I still had to finish that test, so I stayed up super late."

Maya: "THERE WAS A TEST?!!?"

Regina: "Maya.. you... you didn't know?"

Maya: "NO!!"

Lemonn: "Ahem. Anyways. Rachel, I'm sending you back to when you became a precu— I mean Glitter Warrior, for about ten-ish minutes, then I'll send over to when Ira got his memories back and you have to kiss Ira again."

Rachel: "Why?"

Lemonn: "the question to life.. no one knows."

(Author Note: I'm saying that as a joke. I'm a Christian, so my belief is to spread the Word of God and living for God is the point of life, I'm just saying that now so I don't have to later. I don't know what your belief is, and I mean no offense.)

Lemonn: *snaps fingers and Rachel disappears* "Alright, I've got another dare that we can't tell Rachel."

Regina: "I'm just saying, I don't think many of us want to ignore Rachel again."

Maya: "Please, if you make me ignore her again, I will cry!"

Lemonn: "Don't cry, when PreCures cry it gets annoying."

Maya: "PreCures?"

Lemonn: "ohh.. uhh.. I mean- Glitter Brats! That's the word."

Mackenzie: "My gosh."

Marmo: "I AGREE!!"

Lemonn: "Thank you!"

Clara: "What's the dare?"

Lemonn: "Oh my gosh— I actually forgot you were here! I almost had a heart-attack- wait- that doesn't make sense.. ANYWAYS! Ira was dared to call Rachel "angel" for the rest of the chap- I mean- day."

Ira: "EXCUSE ME?!"

Marmo: "I think you keep stumbling on your words, Lemonn?"

Lemonn: "yeah..."

Regina and Mackenzie: *laughing really hard*

Ira: "STAWWPP!!"

Maya: "I think the dare is sweet."

Regina: *still laughing* "Most people use that as a love statement."

Maya: "oh.. it's still sweet."

Ira: "I don't want to!"

Lemonn: "you already call her 'Diamond', why can't you call her 'angel'?"

Ira: "Well— I— 'Diamond's different!! It's her hero name!!" *blushing*

Marmo: "uh-huh.."

Ira: "shut up!"

(In the past, where Rachel is)

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