
M/n glares at him playfully and Karma does the same. 'Hey, watch it!' he exclaims before leaning back on his seat and sighing heavily. 'Hey, Karma, aren't you nervous?' he asks suddenly, staring at his boyfriend with furrowed eyebrows.

'About what?'

M/n makes a clicking noise with his tongue. 'Everything! Like the future and shit. And we're just sixteen years old, do you think everything is gonna go well?' he's always the one overthinking things. But doesn't the future scare anyone? What if something happens, you know?

Karma crosses his arms over his chest. 'With everything you mean us, right?' M/n looks down at the table between them and frowns with a nod. The redhead grins. 'Well, I'm not going anywhere, unless you break up with me or cheat of course.' 

M/n manages to let out a chuckle. 'I guess not, we're going to the same school too, and stuff.'


'Hey, when we're older let's move in together.' M/n proposes bluntly making Karma's eyes widen, surprised. 'And let's get a hamster, we'll name him Koro Sensei. Or, maybe a cat they're so cute you know. Oh! What about a dog? They're such a pain to take care of though.'

Karma blinks multiple times. 'I like dogs.'

M/n tilts his head to the side. 'So a dog? Can we get a hamster too? They're so tiny and cute.'

'Yeah, sure.'

'Oh! and I want a (favorite color) sofa!'

'And a huge TV. And a popcorn machine.'

M/n laughs with a fast nod. 'No, two popcorn machines and a huge bathtub.'

Karma grins at his boyfriend's excited expression. 'Plus it has to be somewhere near a store so that we can easily access food.'





9 years later

'You are so fucking stupid, it's not even fucking funny.'

'I did nothing.'

'That's the whole fucking problem, Akabane.'

A now twenty-five years old M/n face palms irritated. 'Look what you did.' he points at the cage where the hamster was supposed to be. 'That happens when you're too distracted with unimportant things.'

Karma looks from the empty cage to his angry partner and smiles. 'You're not unimportant.'

The other male feels his cheeks burn at the sudden comment and huffs. M/n hates that he still reacts this way to Karma's compliments. 'I didn't mean that. But you still could've paid more attention and closed the little gate before jumping on me, literally.'

Karma shrugs innocently, stepping closer to wrap his arms around M/n's waist. 'Is it wrong that a guy wants to kiss his husband after a long, long day of work?'

M/n deadpans at him. 'You lost, Koro.' he states in a matter-of-fact tone, trying his hardest to ignore Karma's lips on his neck.

'He's around here somewhere, don't worry.' he whispers against M/n's skin, placing little kisses everywhere he can. The other shudders against his body and M/n could feel Karma's smugness even without seeing his face.

'We have to look for him, stop it.' M/n says between his now uneven breaths before gasping when his husband bites down on his skin. 'Stop that.'

Karma removes his head from his neck, placing his forehead against M/n's head instead. 'We don't have to do anything but this, M/n.' he whispers, gently pushing M/n against the wall. 'Come on, pretty please?'

M/n rolls his eyes but still smiles at his husband fondly. He wraps his arms around Karma's neck pulling him into a kiss.

He opens his eyes when hearing something, like little steps. He tries to concentrate on it but it's hard to concentrate when Karma's hands leave the wall to run along his sides, pressing him even more against the surface. His knee positioned between his legs as M/n's rapidly turning into goo on his hands.

'Stop, I um hear something.' M/n mumbles through heavy breaths

The redhead smirks, his handsome face making a familiar feeling emerge in M/n's stomach. 'Those are the voices in your head telling you to relax. You've been working very hard, and I know the perfect way to help you relax completely.' M/n shakes his head but can't help himself and presses their lips together once more, deciding to ignore the noise.

M/n sighs when Karma leans down, kissing him all over his jaw, quick pecks that transform into more affectionate ones, lingering for longer than needed before moving on to the next section of skin, until arriving back at his neck.

M/n desperately wanted to give in to the pleasure, but the noise somewhere in the background was annoying him dearly.

His breath hitches when feeling his husband's hands sliding down, anticipation bubbling up in his stomach, his head falling back to lean against the wall. 

That was until he saw something from the corner of his eyes. 'Stop. Stop. Stop.' M/n whispers, pushing the redhead away gently.

Karma stares at him blankly. 'What?'

M/n moves away from him before crouching down, seeming to grab something. 'Look.' he says with a smile after standing up. Karma stares at the little animal with annoyance while M/n coos at the hamster's cuteness. 'He came back alone, isn't he smart?'

'Perfect timing, huh?' 

M/n gives Karma a look. 'Don't be like that, it was your own fault anyway.' he says as he puts the little animal back into the cage. He looks at Karma and then points at the cage before closing the little door. 'That's how you do it.'

'Very funny, M/n, I'm laughing so hard.'

'Yeah as you should.' M/n says smugly before grabbing his husband's hand and pulling him close once more. 'You should always laugh at my jokes, Akabane, otherwise, you're gonna hurt my feelings.' 

Karma scoffs before smirking. 'Funny you calling me Akabane when your own last name is Akabane also.'

'Biggest mistake of my life.' M/n jokes, putting a hand on the redhead's cheeks. 'That and becoming a lawyer.'

The redhead shakes his head, leaning into M/n's touch with great pleasure. 'You love me, M/n.'

'Cocky.' he replies before sighing in defeat. 'But true.'

'That's great because I love you too.' 

M/n's smile got even bigger, a small laugh leaving his mouth. 'Ha, gay!'

'Shut up, you're more than satisfied with it, aren't you?'

'I am very satisfied with you, Akabane.'

'Good. Now Let's do something fun shall we?'

M/n squints his eyes at him teasingly. 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'

Karma raises an eyebrow. 'Maybe.'

M/n suddenly lets go of him and starts to walk backward. 'The last one by the PlayStation has to do the groceries tomorrow!' And then he takes off with a run, Karma right behind him.

'Wanna watch Minions after?'

'You bet.'


And that is it. The end of this story! Man, it feels so good to finish a story you have no fucking Idea!

I'll miss our little anxious M/n, but everything will be fine! Since I'm planning on writing another assassination classroom fanfic.

Now here's the question, would you guys like another Karma fanfic or do you guys want another character? Like Nagisa for example?

Anyhow THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING THIS STORY! I appreciate it very much and I love you all so much too!

Thank you for all your support and hopefully see you soon! <3


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