-Who Are You?-

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(3rd Person POV)

Everyone is awake by 7 PM, their sleep schedules are definitely ruined since they all rested up nicely, now all they have to do is travel and find a safe place to stay in since this place was already breaking apart so fast and was being infested with critters and bugs. The ladies get their last bit of snacks in and the last of their water and feel more energized. They finally walk out of the farmhouse and head over to the barn. The ladies finally take the horses out of their stalls and hop on the horses to begin their journey. Paola's mom decides to guide everyone since she was the protector and she wanted to make sure everyone was following behind her. She begins to lead everyone to a nearby lake so the horses could get hydrated. The horses finally drink water and feel more energized and stronger. After the horses finish drinking their water, they all finally head off still in the straight path. The girls finally manage to get a good look at nature and realize how beautiful the scenery looked as the sun was going down. 


(Nayeli's POV)

After a couple of hours riding around horses, we managed to find some abandoned looking house and make a quick stop for some resources. I am in charge of going in and getting resources so I hop off my horse and walk into the building, trying to be sneaky. As I finally enter the house, the smell of "old" house flooded my nose and I try not to cough due to dust and mold. I continue to walk deeper into the building. It was eerily quiet, except for the occasional creak or distant noise. Everywhere I looked, there were signs of decay: peeling paint, crumbling walls, and graffiti covering almost every surface. Moving deeper inside, I found rooms filled with overturned furniture and torn curtains. Shadows danced along the walls, making the place feel alive with secrets. Despite the decay, there was a strange beauty in the sadness of the abandoned building. It felt like a forgotten story waiting to be uncovered, with each corner holding a mystery of its own. I see one of the graffiti drawings and see a symbol of a firefly, which looked beautiful up until I realized that the symbol looked far too familiar, but I couldn't quite catch why it looked so familiar to me. As I'm taking slow steps, I hear footsteps behind me and I immediately turn around and suddenly I'm being pinned against the floor. 

"Who the fuck are you?" I hear from the person. Their voice sounded deep, but still feminine. I try to look at them but they have their hand placed against my head as I'm looking the other way, plus she had a mask that covered her entire face except her eyes. I then reply, "G-Get off of me asshole!" she immediately placed a pistol on my head, "Why the fuck did you break into MY house. I've had enough of you raiding firefly cunt ass bitches raiding my shit!", I immediately push the girl off of me and hold my hands up, "LOOK, I'm not no firefly! I'm just looking around for resources! Geez- for you to point a damn gun at me is fucking crazy!", the girl then lets out a loud groaning sound, "You're the one who broke into my damn house!", I try to calm down and react in a more civilized manner, but the fact that this stranger pinned me down and literally pointed a gun at me really triggered me so I responded in a more stern tone, "Not my fault your stupid house looks abandoned.", the girl looked really pissed off and responded, "You better take back what you said about my house. It's not stupid! I'm literally just trying to survive and you bitches continue on trying to take my shit while I'm not home. I'm tired of you assholes!", I immediately get up and pat the dust off of me, "Well, not my fault we're in the middle of an epidemic. You could have moved out or something, asshole! Instead of staying in this house that people can easily raid.", the girl sighed and responded a bit calmer, but with anger still visible in her tone, "It's hard to move out when I've grown up in this household.", I immediately fall silent as I hear this, responding in a more calm tone, "Oh, I see. I'm sorry.", The girl, still being hostile then responds, "Just get out of my house. That's all I ask for." I then sigh and then decide to ask, "Who even are you?", the girl then responds, "Why do you want to know? Plus, I asked you this from the beginning. Who are YOU?", I then finally respond in a more serious tone, "Okay fine. My names Nayeli. I am just a survivor trying to find resources so I can survive. I don't intend on killing anyone as that's the last thing I want.", The girl finally takes her mask off. She has a slightly grown out mullet and she has a scar on her cheek. Her eyes were brown and she had tan skin. She then sighed, "Okay, well, since you introduced yourself.. My names Emile. I'm also a survivor and trying to get away from these stupid firefly squads. They tried to recruit me up until I found out what they were trying to do and I had to back out. They've been raiding my house quite often ever since, but I can't find it in my heart to leave.", I then sigh as I look over at Emile, "Look, you need to let go of the memories. I know it hurts badly, I've been through it, but you can't risk yourself getting killed.", Emile sighed as she responded, "And who are you to tell me this? You haven't went through the things I went through.", I cross my arms and sigh, "You're actually so stubborn." 

I grab Emile by the arm and drag her out of the house. Emile looks absolutely threatened to see Paola and the other ladies and she immediately look over at me, trying to push herself off of me but I refused to let go of her. She then looked awkwardly at the others and waved without saying anything else. I could tell she was anxious deep down but didn't want to show it. I then introduce Emile to the rest of the group. "Emile, meet Paola, Fernanda, Vicky, Jacky, and Paola's mom. We will all be looking for resources for us to survive. And yes, I'm basically saving your ass from being killed.", Emile scoffs and replied, "Shut up..", Paola then smiles as she waves at Emile, "Hi, nice to meet you Emile!", Emile gave Paola a half smile as she spoke in a more calmer tone, "Hello, Paola. Nice to meet you too.", I rolled my eyes, why wasn't Emile nice to me?! Whatever. I know I look like a bitch but damn, the way we started off wasn't good- ugh whatever. I don't need her validation. I do NOT care.

(Emile's POV)

I barely met these people and I already dislike Nayeli with my entire fucking life. For her to barge in my house and invalidate my feelings is insane. I should have just beat her up right there and then, but whatever. At least I guess I met new people. Paola seems chill so I'll give her that. I decided to get on Paola's horse to ride with her since there was NO way I'd be riding with Nayeli or the others. I'm too damn nervous and I feel like I'd make things awkward, and with Nayeli, I know we'd get into a fight so I'd rather prevent that from happening. We go off farther into the woods and we reach to some pretty hills so as we go up the hills, we see this small town that has barricades all over it. It's so pretty..  Suddenly, as we're going down the hill straight to the town, we get stopped by two guys. 

(3rd person POV)

"Stop right there!" one of the guys exclaims as he gets in front of us. "Uhm, can you get out of our way?" Emile replied to the guys, "No, who are you people?", Nayeli faceplanted, responding to them, "We're just looking for resources to survive. We aren't any threats I promise.", the second guy spoke up, "Wait, I think I know you.. Nayeli?", Nayeli's face immediately dropped to a look of horror, "Huh? What do you mean? I-I don't even know you!!", the guy pulled his hoodie down and comes to reveal Andy. Nayeli gasps and Andy immediately points to Paola and her family, "Yeah and that's Paola and her family.. I don't know who's the one behind Paola though, but uhm, y'all are welcome to stay. I have a spare house all of you can stay in-" 

"-OH NO, AS LONG AS I'M AWAY FROM HER I'LL BE FINE." Emile raised her voice as she pointed towards Nayeli. This pissed Nayeli off and she replied, "Dude can you stop being a bitch for once?!", Paola immediately yelled, "YEAH, WE'D LIKE TO STAY AT A HOUSE!", which got Nayeli and Emile quiet. Paola gave both Emile and Nayeli a smirk as she finally jumped out of her horse along with the rest of the group. "Take care of the horses please, Andy!" Paola said in a polite tone. "Jayson, can you put the horses in the horse stall?", Jayson responded, "Yes babe, I'll be on my way." Jayson then grabbed the horse leads from all of the horses and began to lead them away to the horse stalls. The group sticks together as Andy begins to give them a tour.


(Nayeli's POV)

After the tour was over with, we got into the house and to my surprise, it was bigger than expected, I mean, I'm not complaining. Andy was nice enough to offer us a house and I'm more than thankful for that. The only downside is that we all have bunkbeds.. Paola was sharing with Fernanda, Vicky was sharing with Jacky, their mom is sleeping on the couch and that leaves me ... Sharing with Emile.... Goddamn it.

This is so not good.

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