-The Beginning-

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(3rd Person POV)

It began with whispers of a new virus, spreading like wildfire through the crowded cities and remote corners of the globe. At first, it seemed like nothing more than a rumor, but as time passed, it seemed to get even more serious. There were 4 girls. They stuck together like glue since High School was pretty much hell for them. Everything was going pretty well for them as they were just regular teenage girls with the mentality of 12 year old boys. One day in High School, the girls were all sitting at the lunch table. Nayeli(16), Paola(16), Evelyn(14), and Morgan(16) were all just having a regular conversation until suddenly Evelyn gets all quiet as she's looking at her phone.

"What's wrong, Evelyn?" Morgan asks, looking concerned for Evelyn. "I don't know what it is with the atmosphere today but I continue on hearing about these rumors about some virus that's spreading rapidly." Evelyn responded, feeling uneasy about this situation. This worried both Paola and Nayeli since Evelyn is not the type of girl to ever feel uneasy in such situations since she always finds the positive in everything, but for some reason in this situation, it feels off for Evelyn to act so paranoid. "Girl, the internet lies all the time. I genuinely don't believe there's a virus outbreak. IF there were to be an outbreak, it would be all over the news." Morgan stated. "... I don't know guys, this is making me feel weird. I think we should still be cautious regardless, even if its just a so called rumor." Paola finally spoke up and the girls agreed. The girls then eat in silence as things kind of got awkward now and there wasn't much to really come back from after the topic of the virus was brought up. 


(Nayeli's POV)

I'm finally walking out of my last period, what a day.. After hearing about these rumors about the virus, I'm in a state of internal panic, like, who would want to believe there's an outbreak nowadays? I swear outbreaks only happened in Victorian times, but whatever. I try my best not to pay attention to people's side conversations as I'm walking by them. I bump into my partner to who I'm not really in love with, but just have them there by my side for now ever since my breakup with my ex-girlfriend Mercedes. Though we were long distance, it really fucked me over to the point where I had to get a rebound to whomst was Elias since they offered. We were 5 months into the relationship, nothing too major as of now. "Hey babe, did you hear of the virus rumors that's spreading around?" Elias asks, "Yeah, but I really don't want to pay attention to it, honestly.." I respond in a dry tone, as I really don't want to think about the virus rumors. Elias shrugged and smiled at me and I gave them a slight half-assed smile, I didn't want them to think I was upset or anything so I just continued to walk off while they followed right next to me. We finally exited the school building and just walked home together. We were looking at the blue sky that barely had any clouds and the sun was shining pretty bright. I've always hated sunny days since the sun would always blind me but for some reason I felt.. comforted in a way since there was so much speculation and rumors going on about this virus. I then looked over at Elias and held their hand as I didn't want them to feel like I was ignoring them, but I was eventually going to talk to them about something.

(Elias' POV)

I could tell Nayeli was stressed out about something but I didn't want to question anything as It's not my place to insert myself into how she's feeling. She has been acting a bit more dry with me which is kind of concerning, but again, not my place not to ask or anything so I just walk with Nayeli in silence as we look up at the sky. Nayeli then stopped all of a sudden and started to walk to the park. I didn't want to question it but she seemed like she wanted to tell me something urgently due to her quick pace in walking. I wonder what she's going to tell me..?

(3rd Person POV)

As Nayeli and Elias both sat down on the bench together, Nayeli looked down as she began to fidget with her fingers, not knowing how to really begin the conversation without it coming off as too strong. Elias finally spoke up, "Hey.. Is everything okay love?", Nayeli sighed as she replied to Elias, "I don't think I'm okay..". This got Elias worried and they responded, "What's wrong? You can always talk to me. I'm here for you.", Nayeli then looked at Elias with a deadpan look and locked eyes with them, Elias could tell this wasn't good news at all and their worried face turned into a look of concern as they're slowly mentally preparing themselves on what was going on.

"I'm sorry Elias, I really should have realized how I felt way sooner than later. I know we're 5 months into this relationship but I feel like I'm not really feeling the relationship that how I expected to feel. I feel like this is more based off my sexuality as I'm... Uhm... L-Les-..", Elias then took a deep breath that sounded like they were hurt, but didn't want to show it, "O-Oh, really..? S-So does this mean we're breaking up..?", Nayeli then spoke up, "Yeah... I-I don't want to lead you on even more. I'm sorry it had to end this way..", she then got up and Elias suddenly grabbed her wrist, "I understand. Thank you for being honest to me about your feelings and.. Sexuality. Uhm.. Have a good life.", Nayeli then sighed and gave Elias a genuine smile for the first time and replied, "You too, I'm sorry if this isn't something you've wanted to hear.", Elias then responded "It's okay. I-I mean, it hurts but it is what it is, you know?".

After a couple of minutes of settling things, Nayeli finally heads off back to her house, though the relationship was short, she sometimes enjoyed Elias being around her. She felt bad because they could have been better off as friends instead of lovers, but they agreed to take distance from each other since Elias was pretty hurt by everything and if they were to be reminded of Nayeli, they would break down, so Nayeli went on her phone and removed Elias from all social medias. She then went over to her iMessages through her iPhone and saw a fuck ton of messages from her group chat. She opened the chat and read through it.

-Nayeli's Phone-

Evelyn: "Okay girls, so my dad just told me that they cancelled his work for 2 weeks due to the outbreak"

Paola: "huh? wow what a coincidence, my mom's job also got cancelled for 2 weeks.."

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