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July 7th 2005

Setagaya Japan, FoxHound H.Q

To most in the Notorious Military funded Intelligence Agency known to the elite and powerful of Japan as FoxHound. It was a normal day the overworked interns were running around working there assess off as their superiors. Who were demanding coffee as they barked orders so fast none of them really knew what they were being order to do and retrieve for there superiors while that happened. The Foxhound operatives were departing and returning from missions and the Cadets were learning the fundamentals of C.Q.C. But for two cadets this was not a regular day in foxhound for them it was the day there lives changed forever, and a new legend was born.

The pair of cadets where freshly 18 years of age and were a male and female the pair joined Foxhounds Cadet program far younger than most. Both running from home and were initiated into the program by the man in-front of them Ishmael the Founder of FoxHound.

Ishmael was a older man who possed a face worn from years of service his sharp jawline was decorated with stubble with a piercing eye that with in it held a wealth of experience a had endured a life full of hard sights. His lips was naturally frowned giving his weathered face a serious expression focused on a goal that he might never achieve.

A goal that his pupils which to learn and achieve for a man they had begun to view as a father figure. He often remained in his office he did however make the odd venture out to help train the pair but today he came to them they were confused until he held out two headbands and began to speak his voice being rough and raspy but full of strength and what they took to be Pride.

"Mydoria and Kendo I apologise not doing this in a public space you might think I am undermining your progress by not giving you a offical ceremony but.. I want this feel personal I want to feel real because the two of you are the closet I'll ever come to feeling the pride of parenthood.... And it Both Fills me with Joy and Pain to officially You certified FOXHOUND AGENTS... "

The green haired man and orange haired woman shared a look full excitement as they grabbed the Bandana's from Ishmael's warn and weathered hands and surprised him with a embrace.

" I'm honoured soldiers meet in my office at 0500 Hours "

Mydoria and Kendo marched out of the training hall with there Bandana's tied tightly around their forehead's Kendo wore her heart on her sleeve and was practically bursting with joy. Whilst Myrodia he held his joy deep masked with a mask of stoicism but the odd smile did dance across his lips as he walked through the halls.

" What's go you so Smug looking? "

Mydoria jerked his head to interact and respond to the voice that had broken him from his focus it was a face and voice he had become
accustomed to over the months since the individual had began his internship with FoxHound.

"Pleasure as always Otacon and it's far above your pay grade "

The man referred to as Otacon wore a unamused expression across his thin face and tousled hair he brought his slender fingers to the bride of his pencil like noise pushing up his large round rimed glasses. As he replied to mydoria annoyed the response returned the smile to mydorias face as he chuckled.

"I Have told you lord knows how many times it's Hal E...And you don't care do you? Mydoria "

" Hahahahahhhhh I do Hal but if you ever rank up to the point, we're you're handling my field assignments ima call you Otacon "

Hal was puzzled for all but a second when he put the pieces together and grabbed Mydoria for a tight hug one mydoria wasn't expecting but he had found a true friend in Hal.

"Wait A minute Did you get cleared for Field Work!?! "

Mydoria put his hand on Hal's shoulders and used a hand gesture to nonverbally tell him to shut up before sighing and his response got Hal to smile ear from ear.

"Yeah I got cleared I'm getting debriefed for my first operation in 0.500 what has you so excited? "

"you got cleared for field work congrats dude ohh I've got one request, so you know how imapartoftheintelcomputer.... "

Before Hal's ramble could expand, he was cut off by mydoria before then gesturing for him to continue.

" Slow down Hal I'll leave right now if you don't slow down bud "

" Sorry So you know in the Intel department's computer division which all the divisions rolled into one.., I digress where in charge of documenting the missions but between you and me we never keep backups it's a problem I've noticed some things go missing nothing but I fear if something major happens and we loose it's... in short can you send me a backup on this personal file please see it as a solid.... "

Snake smiled as he held out his wrist Hal smiled as he grabbed a injector Mydoria had watched Hal as he developed a special Intercom system for months that would wire things to his personal monitor, it was originally made so Hal could prove his worth but his superior didn't even show up to see it so Mydoria and Hal kept it a secret to activate it would require a injection a injection Mydoria had. Had before hand when it was in its beta stage once Hal was done Izuku met up with Meryl Kendo and departed for Ishmael's office for the debrief on Operation SHEDDING SCALES.

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