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A ideology drilled into the mind of Izuku Mydoria before he even reached the age of 4 his parents dreamed of a life of Lavish luxury but were born with physical inequalities. Due to there a average quirks they hoped mabey the powerful quirks skipped a generation and to insure there dreams would become reality they had many children Inko even signed up for a strange government project behind her Husbands back where she would be inseminated with a other mans Dna they she was sure that was going to be there meal ticket. But when Izuku was 1 she and her husband noctied how sickly and weak he was but they held up hope  that mabey it was caused by a powerful quirk awakening eventually when he was four they found out he was quirkless but his half siblings all had quirks strong ones to and he was neglected and was used as his fathers punching bag whenever his father was stressed about izukus siblings development . When he was 6 he did what many kids his age joked about he ran from home but his family never came looking expect for one man a man around his 40's missing a eye wearing a trench coat and eye patch. Saw himself in the boy and adopted him enlisting him in his special forces program for the Japanese and American governments FOX HOUND. Over the years the one eyed man Ishmael leader of fox hound would send Mydoria on his first stealth op christening with a Code named a name that unbeknownst to Mydoria would have him carrying a legacy and title that he once craved as a hero He would be christened with  the name of many war Heros SNAKE..SOLID SNAKE.

My hero academia ' Solid 'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora