Chapter 24 : Sloane's on 13th

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Ben swung himself off the train onto the station platform, stumbling over himself with the momentum as it slid to a standstill. He nearly crashed into a load of parcels headed for Meyer, though dodged and threw himself against the clapboard sides of the station to avoid it. "S-sorry," he stammered, fixing his hat and passing through the breezeway into the plaza. The two-sided clock ticked away, just after 11:21. The air smelled so thickly of the river water, foul yet fresh. Ben held his breath.

A riverboat's whistle called out suddenly, cutting into the noise of the river-stop market town. Mill Creek had not quieted. The trolleys trundled along, their poles hanging on the wires overhead, buzzing. The streets still vibrated under his feet. Trees shuddered at the movements.

He slammed his hands into his pocket, his fingers brushing against the pressed coin; the cold metal against his skin alleviated his nerves slightly. Glancing about the square, he crossed over the cobbles and approached a young girl. "C – may I have one?" he asked.

She dropped her eyes and withdrew a small white bouquet about the size of his fist. "Five cents, please."

Ben took in a breath and sighed. "Uh, d-do you have a red one? I'm meetin' someone special today."

The young girl replaced the white flowers with a red one, the quality of the flower no better than the other. "Five cents," she whispered.

He offered her a dime. "You don't know what havin' this means t' me. Thank you, so very much."

Her eyes fixed on somewhere in the distance, a wary smile growing on her lips. "Thank you, sir. God Bless."

Ben held the single flower between two fingers, delicate to ensure it did not damage as he walked. He stepped a little slower, hoping it would help steady his breathing as he approached 13th Street, yet the heaviness in his stomach grew, and he found himself mere feet away from the building. Ben withdrew the elongated coin, holding it in the palm of his hands, watching the tavern's sign over the door swing gently in a breeze. He stepped back, pressing himself into the alley wall of the neighboring building. He grasped the collar of his shirt, spinning the small bundled flower in his hand.

'Why?' he wondered, breathlessly scoffing before hanging his head. Ben would be deserted in Mill Creek until the next train out at 16:15. He did not have enough money left for food if he genuinely wanted to make it home. Closing his eyes, he inhaled, tightening his shirt collar in his hand around his neck. When Ben opened his eyes, he forced himself off the wall of the building and through Sloane's front door.

"E-excuse me, sir," he called to the bartender.

The man, burly and hairy, turned. "Yeah?"

"I...I-I am waitin' fer, fer someone t' arrive," Ben whispered. "A-a lady. Lady. Sh-she should be in gray and a..." His hands shook as he gestured to his chest. "...a...a red carnation."

He raised a brow. "If she walks in 'ere, then..."

Ben pointed towards an empty table in the corner. "I-I'll keep –" He exhaled. "I-I'll be watchin', but if I –"

"Do you want anythin' t' drink?" the man sighed.

He shook his head. "N-no, not right now. Thank you." He scurried into the corner, turning his back against the wall. Ben fixed his eyes forward, desperate to keep his breath steady.

He did not know what time it was, just that it was far too early for 13:45.

Ben reclined into his seat.

Jack withdrew his pocket watch, the second hand ticking away as the time inched closer to 13:00. His roast beef and potatoes had not helped settle his stomach, but he could not let that bother him. Rocking back and forth, he people-watched as people floated in and out of the restaurant, two barmaids drifting around the tables with food and drink.

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