Chapter 1-3

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The village was in uproar.

For the next week, Konohagakure activated wartime measures. The city was in full defense mode. Hundreds of patrols were sent daily, thousands of shinobi scoured Hi no Kuni's borders to look for the masked criminal who the Yondaime fought.

But more importantly, was the missing child of their leader.

"What do you mean Naruto hasn't been found yet!?" Kushina screamed in despair at the poor toad summon inside the Hokage's office.

Minato stood on the side with a complicated expression. The toad was only a messenger between him and Jiraiya. His master was off scouting the other major hidden villages to see if there were any clues to the man and his son's whereabouts. Jiraiya had suspected that the man's intention was either to capture the Kyuubi- or attack Konoha with it.

He failed at one objective, but most likely succeeded on the other.

Kushina confirmed that the Kyuubi inside her was weakened- nowhere near his former strength. She and Minato had split the bijuu in half, sealing the Yang-half into their son to decrease the risk of Kushina dying in her weakened state should the Kyuubi be forced back in.

When they woke up in the hospital, Kushina immediately asked for their son. Up until that day, everyone knew that their Hokage was expecting the child any day. So it shook the village when they found Minato and Kushina without their child.

They learned that Naruto wasn't on the scene when they were found.

Once Jiraiya learned of the news, the godfather disappeared from Konoha to hunt down for his godson's whereabouts.

"T-that's what Jiraiya told me to report, M-Ma'am!" The poor toad responded.

Kushina hysterically fell backwards into Tsunade's arms, crying into the woman's arms. Tsunade hugged the heartbroken Uzumaki. Beside her, Dan Kato-turned-Senju wrapped a cloak around the redhead.

"K-Kushina...we should bring you back to the hospital. Your body has not fully recovered." The white-haired medic jounin reasoned.

"Dan's right. You need rest." Tsunade supported her husband.

"B-but...N-Naruto..." Kushina sniffled in her arms.

"No buts. I'm responsible for my patients, and I won't allow you to push yourself when it brings nothing but harm. We'll bring you back to the hospital. Minato will send news once they find Naruto." Tsunade looked at the Yondaime Hokage, who nodded.

"Yes, I'll send word right away once we find him."

Dan and Tsunade led the grieving Kushina away while Minato remained behind in his office.

Once he was alone, Minato sent the toad messenger off before calling his ANBU commander.


The shinobi emerged in a puff of smoke, having been watching the entire scene from another rooftop nearby. The three S-ranks in the Hokage's office knew of his presence, but ignored it to focus on the problem at hand.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Call Fugaku Uchiha here. I need his help."

The man disappeared just as quickly as he came.

A few minutes later, the Uchiha clan patriarch arrived.


Minato leaned against the chair of his office- his weakened state obvious to the Uchiha- having burnt himself out recently to seal the Kyuubi no Kitsune.

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