Jaycee rolled her eyes as she glared at Murphy. He knew that now wasn't the time for his stupid comments so he held his hands up in surrender and walked away from her.

He knew she could kick the absolute shit out of him. He didn't want to test her patience.


Once Raven fixed the radio, Jaycee grabbed it from her and started to talk on the radio. "Bellamy, Kom op raun taim Yu na hear Ai" (Bellamy, Come in if you can hear me.) Jaycee said on the radio.

She was waiting for him to respond. It took a minute before he did.

"Chomouda are Oso speaking trig? Chec sketchi" (Why are we speaking Trig? What's wrong?) Bellamy asked the girl over the radio.

Jaycee sighed of relief. Thankful that Bellamy was okay, "Emo get in yu laik comi. Yu've don drop of  ement kom shupoff" (They know you're coming. You've lost the element of surprise.)

Bellamy spoke on the radio, "Jaycee sen gon Ai oh" (Jaycee listen to me.)

Bellamy was cut off by Harper, Jaycee was able to hear her too, "Bellamy, if Clarke's on their side, she speaks Trig, too." Jaycee mentally slapped her head. Angry that Clarke was on their side now.

Murphy walked closer to Jaycee, "Clarke's on their side? What does that mean?"

Echo looked up at Murphy, "It means we have to make this fast." Jaycee nodded at Echos words.

"Yu souda bak op. Oso yu don their pilot, krei yu laik klir gon nau. Ba Yu na't kom op hir" Jaycee said in trig over the radio to him. (Bellamy, you have to go back. We have their pilot, so you're safe for now. But you can't come here.)

Bellamy responded over the radio to her. "Nou Kom poi. Em 's a pou, ba Oso na't bak op en Oso na't hod op. Oso're Fai days au. Yu don dei de long gon fig au yumi a klir edei raun. Aus doun dei de Oso buk au remo" (Not possible. It's a long story, but we can't go back and we can't stop. We're five days out. You have that long to find us a safe way in. After that we run out of rations.)

Jaycee took a deep breath before responding. 

Jaycee switched back to English, "We're on it. Be safe. Over and out." She turned off the radio.

Raven held her hand in her head. She looked up, "Clarke and McCreary?"

Echo looked at Raven, "If it's true, I'll deal with her later." She then stood up to walk to one of the defectos "Lindo. Take your people and scout South. Stay out of sight and don't engage. We need details on troop count and weapons." She looked at her people, "Spacekru, you're with me."

Murphy walked up to Echo. "Yeah."

Echo walked to Kane, "Gun."

Kane stood up, "I'm going with you."

Before he could do anything Echo stood against it, "The hell you are. Trust has to be earned. Isn't that right, Colonel?" She slightly nodded her head. Kane knew there was nothing he could do she he handed her a gun. "Let's roll." Echo told everyone. Jaycee started to walk out the cave. She heard Murphy complain.

Echo passed Murphy, he followed her out "Man, I never get the gun."


After walking for a while, in the cold snow, Jay hearing Murphy mumble about not getting a gun. They made it, they were hiding from McCrearys people.

Echo was looking out when she made a face. Echo sighed as she lowered herself down to blend in with the snow. Emori caught on and looked at the girl as she whispered. "What? What is it?"

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