Cruising through Town

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*Yashira's P.O.V*

"Come on Shira!" ,Misaki yelled. He was running out the door when he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong Misaki?", I asked him.

"Do you know how to ride a skateboard or anything?" ,he asked.

"I don't know. Can I try using your skateboard?" ,I asked. 

"Yea here," he said handing me his skateboard.

When I took the skateboard our hands brushed against each other making him blush.

When the skateboard was in my hands images started flashing through my mind. I moved instinctively and began doing tricks on the skateboard.

"Well it looks like you can ride. Hold on. Imma go get my other one," he said before running back into Homura. A minute later he came running back out and we switched skateboards. He also had two metal baseball bats and a watch. He handed me one of the baseball bats and the watch. 

I took the watch and strapped it onto my wrist and strapped the baseball bat onto my back.

"Ready?" ,he asked.

I nodded my head 'yes' and we both took of riding. We were riding at such an extreme pace that it made me grin as the wind flew past my face.

We were riding down a street when the watch beeped and a picture of a boy with a face like mine appeared. He had short white hair, auburn eyes and had a cat on his shoulder. He was wearing a black school uniform and carrying an umbrella.

Above his picture it said the words 'Target: Colorless King'

"Thats him. Tatara's murderer," I said to Misaki.

"Yea that's him," he replied.

We then picked up our pace and rode faster. 

We were coming to a crossroad when we finally spotted him. Misaki rod up and swung at him with his bat but the king was able to dodge it, so I rode up after Misaki and pulled the bat of my back and swung at him as well. He just dodged it again and fell onto the ground.

Misaki then pulled up the picture of him we received and the picture of the murderer from the video on his watch. We both looked over at it before smirking and looking at the king. 

"Your him," I said smirking.

"U-uh....H-hello?" ,he said before he took off running.

"Tch," Misaki clicked his tongue before we both rode after him.

"Your not getting away!" ,Misaki yelled after him.

We were getting closer to him when he suddenly jumped into the back of a truck. It took off riding down the street but unlucky for him the truck stopped at a red light, and when it did Misaki jumped up and swung at him with his bat as flames came out of it. I followed behind him swinging my bat as well making flames come out. 

As we rode back these two boys riding a motorcycle with flames trailing out of the back came into the scene. I assumed they were apart of Homura as well due to the flames.

They rode past the truck and the boy in the back swung a wooden plank, making the flames fly out towards the King. But he simply dodged it by jumping back out of the truck.

Me and Misaki then rode in front of him while the two boys cornered him from the back. We almost had him when he suddenly took off running down an alley way.

Me and Misaki rode after him as the two boys ran after us down the alley.

When we came to a wider part there leaning against the wall was Izumo smoking a cigarette.

"Sorry! Coming through!" ,The King yelled.

Izumo then took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it in to the air as the ember's turned into huge fireballs, that shot down to the ground towards the King. 

They were going to hit him when suddenly this black haired boy with a sword jumped down in front of the King. He began cutting and or blocking the fireballs with his sword at a face inhuman pace.

Misaki rode up behind them aiming to attack when suddenly the black hair boy turned around and a strange sticky hand shot out from his real hand. It captured Misaki by his face bringing him towards him before bringing him down and elbowing him in the stomach.

"Misaki!", I yelled after him. 

The black haired boy then grabbed the King and held on to him as they jumped up into the air.

"Shit! Who was that guy?" ,Misaki yelled getting up from the ground.

"Kuro Yanagami: The black dog. Apparently this is going to be more difficult then I thought," Izumo said, "Oh well. No way around it. We'll have to go with plan B," he added pulling out his phone.

A few minutes later a video began appearing on all mobile devices, T.V.'s and everything else throughout the whole city.

It was the video of Tatara talking to the colorless king before being shot by him.

I watched with wide eyes shocked as I felt this weird feeling go through my heart.

"Come on. We have a mission to complete," Izumo said as we all headed back to Homura.

When we got back I noticed that there were 7 other people that I didn't know.

"Who's the chick?" ,some dude with slight brown hair.

"She's the new member of Homura. Yoshira or Shira," Izumo said.

"Nice to meet ya!" ,I said giving them a peace sign.

They all then introduced themselves and Izumo began to explain what our mission was.

*Time Skip* (I'm changeing the part from where this scene happens to now.)

We were all walking down the street now. Mikoto in the front with Anna on his right and me on his left. Izumo was standing on my other side.

 We suddenly got split up but me and Anna stayed with Mikoto. Anna then walked in between Mikoto and I and held my hand and grabbed a part of his jacket.

Mikoto looked down at Anna for a minute before looking at me. He then looked up at the sky before we started walking again.

Anna let go of Mikoto and lifted a marble up to her eye looking through it.

A few minutes later we walked towards a hotel before blowing our way through wall after wall to get where we wanted. 

When we walked into the room there was glass and trash everywhere as well as unconscious guys on the ground.

Everyone in the room bowed down towards Mikoto except for me and Anna.

"Your here a little to early Mikoto," Izumo said, "I see Shira's with you as well."

"Didn't feel like fighting," I said shrugging my shoulders and walking over to the couch and laying down on it, "I'm sleepy."

"Go to sleep then," Mikoto said.

"Hai Hai. But you're carrying me back if I do," I said closing my eyes.

I heard footsteps before I heard Anna's voice saying, "It says he doesn't know." Before everyone sighed in disappointment.

"Too bad. Lets go, Mikoto said. He walked over to me and bent down in front of me. I smiled as I crawled onto his back.

"Tch, this was a huge waste of time," Miasaki said.

"All this action has made me hungry," Rikio said.

"I'm still sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Nighty Night," I said closing my eyes.

I jumped slightly though when Mikoto decided to blast another hole in the wall scaring the crap out of me.

"Thanks for scaring me...," I mumbled.

"Your welcome," he replied.

"Jerk......,"I mumbled before falling asleep.

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