Chapter One: A Hero Is Born Part 1

Start from the beginning

"He trapped the Demon Bull King underneath it. The Monkey King sealed the mountain with the staff that no other being could wield, trapping the Demon Bull King forever."

The Monkey King turned away from his staff and walked away from it solemnly, seemingly to be silently mourning for the bull king. The man continued, "With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished, never to be seen again."

"Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain, the one thing keeping our world from certain destruction. And with the Demon Bull King gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with five-star cuisine, and all because of the Monkey King."

The person sitting crisscrossed had a nonchalant expression while the other had the complete opposite. He jumped from his seat and exclaimed, "Oh, that's so good!
right (Y/N)?" The person now known as (Y/N) hummed in response. They didn't find the appeal, but it was an interesting story nonetheless.

"He's so strong and handsome-" he soon got caught off by the raven haired man with glasses.

The man remarked, "Oh, MK. And you thought you knew all the Monkey King stories." MK got close in his face excitedly. "Oh, but I do!" MK drew out a book and threw papers in the air while the man looked surprised and (Y/-N) just stared with a small smile.

"I got his whole life documented extensively in this unauthorized autobiography of Monkey King," he stated as if it wasn't illegal and showed it off, "Written and illustrated by yours truly."

He winked and exuberantly went on a tangent, "Like I knew he was born from a stone, and live behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkey friends! And- and- and oh!"

The older male picked up a drawing of MK's and stated with fondness and praise, "It's nice to know someone's taking in all these stories. Pearls of wisdom, dripping from my lips." He clears his throat then turned his attention to them. "Well, you two know the deal: one story, one free bowl of Zha jiang mian. Hmm?" (Y/N) spun around and stopped abruptly before voicing, "Climbing down." They then went by a counter with the free noodles MK promised. MK processed his words before perking up in remembrance.

He said, "Huh? Oh right, free noodles! Yep, on it." He went to the counter next (Y/N) and asked them a question, "Hey (Y/N), how heavy do you think a mountain is? Compared to like-"

Before (Y/N) could respond and before MK could finish his sentence he got hit by a metal spoon, sending the noodles flying into the air before perfect landing on the table the man with the glasses was sitting at. A pig-like humanoid came into view and angrily shouted, "Free noodles?! No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!"

The man who is called 'Tang' pushed the pig back before saying cooly, "Ah, but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom." Pigsy did not like that one bit. "Yeah? Well, wisdom don't pay the rent, you freeloader!"

A voice from behind them monotonously stated, "Badly-timed giggle." MK lightly elbowed them and (Y/N) glared at him while Pigsy harshly turned to (Y/N) and MK. MK and started to point and walk towards them intimidatingly, "You think this is funny? Well I'll tell you something funny! You've both been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out, so quit slacking and get packing!"

(Y/N) sweat dropped and MK tapped his Lego hands nervously and replied, "Yeah. (Y/N) and I were about to take our break. So..." (Y/N) turned to him with an unimpressed look and said, "Facepalm. Real subtle, big brother." MK looked at you in betrayal before his face turned into a shocked expression and jumped when Pigsy went back to scolding the both of them.

"Break? Break?! There's no break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?" He moved about with an overly dramatic manner, acting like a general ordering his team of soldiers for battle.

"Uh, do you mean across the street?" MK asked. They all looked over to a warthog running another business that seemed to be selling the same thing, noodles. Pigsy and the warthog glared at each other. If looks could kill, they'd both be dead.

Pigsy commented back, "I stand by my statement." He went over to the two and handed them both a package of noodles rather roughly. He kicked them both out by the rear and exclaimed, "Now, hurry up!"

When (Y/N) and MK got situated and were ready to ride in his tuk-tuk they heard shouts from within the restaurant. MK turned over to the smaller figure and smiled. "Hey, once we get these noodles delivered we'll both sneak out to get a break, how's that sound?" (Y/N) looks at him for a moment and said, "Nod."


Hey guys, I just wanted to say that this book was pretty much inspired by @AlexPetals and the idea for the reader being a host for the absolute solver is from my lovely mutual BBLovesEevees

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