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Branch had to get ready for his job

Honestly, it was a nice job at the bookstore. He stayed and read, and helped people check out books.

Sure, the pay wasn't great, being $11 an hour, but comparing that to child stardom was better

Branch wants to be normal he wants a normal life ever since he stopped being Bitty B when he was 6 and just Branch Timberwood he was happy

He had good grades and is about to graduate high school . What more could he ask?

Well, he can ask his Grandma to stop kissing him goodbye when he leaves

“Grandma I'm going to be late” Branch said as Rosiepuff gave him another kiss on his cheek. “Oh Branch we both know you are always on time. Let your Grandmother spoil her grandson” Rosiepuff said as Branch sighed as she gave her final kiss and Branch left

Branch grabbed his bike and started going as he shifted speeds from how high some slopes are

Branch looked at his paw, and it looked big just like Johns he sighed as he continued on his way to his job and there it was

Books and Coffee it was a generic name, but he liked it as Branch took his bike to the employee entrance and left it there and clocked in

“Hey Branch” Boom said as they fist bumped each other “Sup” Branch put his number in the register login himself in “So who's here today?” Branch asked “Just me and you, but Hype said he's coming for some coffee” Branch shrugged as he opened his phone.

And, of course first thing he does is open his email. He was kind of hoping for one from his brothers but still nothing just some college stuff. Then Branch just opened Candy Crush and played

He did this a lot Boom tried getting him to play other games, but he liked Candy Crush he liked matching games as he hasn't really looked at anything else

It's only been 3 hours in his shift until she came

Poppy aka Branch nightmare she is a loud, outgoing, very social butterfly the very Opposite of Branch

Poppy wants to make friends with everyone and Branch is fine with his if he makes a new friend cool

The only friends Branch and Poppy share is Smidge and they have a weird friendship still Branch has friends Trickee, Ablaze, Hype, Boom, and Darnell are his friends and he's fine with his circle

Until “Heeey Branch” Branch sighed as he looked at Poppy “Hi Poppy” Branch saw her tail wagging miles a minute “Just wanted to know if you wanted to go to our party!” Poppy said “Poppy, don't you have an exam next week you should study for? You may be the mayor's daughter, but I am your senior. I can't let you goof off at an important time”.

Poppy sighed “But studying is boring and besides my grades are fine” Poppy said with little enthusiasm in her voice “I'm sorry, but I am not going to your party” Branch said as he heard Cooper yell told you as Poppy left

“Wait, we have exams next week?” Boom asked and Branch sighed “Yes Boom midterms” Boom made a face “You never studied” Branch said as a fact “Well better late than never” Boom said as he left to grab a book of the Scientific section.

After 30 minutes, Hype came in and went to talk to them “Hey guys, I brought you guys lunch.” Hype held to containers full of black beans and cream. a simple lazy meal for Hype, but it was good

“Our lord and savior” Boom said as Branch chuckled as he grabbed his container, Hype sighed as he sat on the chair guest can use “I haven't done my project, and it's due tomorrow so I'll be at the coffee part of the store for the day”

Boom looked sympathetic “Branch I'm going to take my break to help Hype.” Branch gave him a thumbs up as he continued to man the register until 30 minutes passed and it was Branch break time. Boom came back as they switched shifts as Branch went to the break room made a 15-minute timer and slept

Until he was woken up by a rude alarm that he made himself. He sighed as he left the break room as saw Boom with a decently long line as Branch went to another register “I can help the next person” Branch spoke and, of course Cooper came

“Hey Branch!” Cooper said as he placed a book that Branch saw was something he knew Cooper didn't read, “Hey Cooper I thought you hated space books?” Branch said, “Oh it's not for me, it's for D he asked me to buy it for him” Branch nodded as he rang it up for Cooper, who paid a bit extra and left because of his curfew.

After that, Branch's shift came to an end as he and Boom went to get coffee with Hype, who was about to finish his project. “Finally I love the job but people talking is so much work” Branch said as Boom laughed “Really? The only hard part for me is my back having to try to look presentable”.

Branch took his phone out, which had pictures of motorcycles. He didn't know why, but he wanted one. Ablaze even entertained the idea as Hype looked over “Y'know if you get one, maybe get a black one y'know simple and stylish”

“But what about injuries?” Boom said, “Yeah, but it's cool” Branch said even if he knew Grandma will never approve of it, he was lucky getting a cat.

“So Hype, you finished your project?” Boom asked “Yeah, just this one photo… There finished” Hype said as Branch chuckled as everyone drank their coffee as Branch ate his cake Pop.

Branch did look sad “I miss them” Hype and Boom looked at Branch with pity “You choose to be a normal kid. I'm just saying Branch if they didn't agree with your choice-” Boom punched Hype “Look, Branch is normal that you miss them, but they chose to continue the band without you, you have the right to be upset, especially since they missed out on your life and were almost graduating”

Branch sighed as Boom and Hype gave him a hug “Look Branch, I'm not that good with emotional support talks but just know I'm here if you ever need help.”

Branch smiled “Thanks Hype” Hype looked at the time and saw the night crew come in “Here I'll drive us home Branch put your bike on the back” Branch went to the back and left through the Employee only door and saw Hype and Boom talking as they saw him Hype opened his trunk

“Put it in here Boom sitting in front” Branch sighed “Damn I don't get to play music” Boom laughed “Knowing you Branch, you would probably play a BroZone song” Branch stuck his tongue out as Hype dropped Branch off at his home as he put his bike in the garage and saw his Grandma fast asleep while knitting Branch went to Grandma room and placed it on her “Goodnight Grandma”

Branch went to his room and fell asleep, not knowing an email his Grandmother received will change everything.

Branch Normal Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें