Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

  The two walked back to the wall and made their way back over it. They had helped the community build this section, so they knew where the hidden door was located. It wasn't but two minutes after Cam closed the door before Cade was face to face with Jonah. He had a blade to Jonah's neck and a wild look in his eyes.
"Cade...look we are not here to start trouble."
"Are you sure about that?"
"We are here to help. Wade is abusing his power and has you all afraid to speak up." Cam added.
"You can't tell me this is normal." Jonah spoke harshly.
"It is our normal. And before this, the world wasn't as great...or have you forgotten the whole boom boom." Cade made a loud bang noise and laughed.
"Are you happy cade? Because no amount of girls or booze or power trips will make you happy. That is all temporary. What happens when someone like me comes along and sweet-talks Wade in to make him second in command? What happens then huh?"
"You are trying to trick me?"
"Why would I do that? I am just trying to help you see the truth in all this. I don't want to be a leader or god...I just want you and the others to see that Wade is not god. To see that this place is like a cult and you all need help."
"Just let Jonah speak for five minutes, cade? Come on, what can that hurt huh?" Camila walked towards the two and placed a hand on Cade's knife-wielding one.  Cade looked back and forth between the two for a bit longer before lowering the blade.
"You have five minutes...and if I don't like what you have to say, you are going right back into the container."  Cade leads them into his small trailer and shuts the door behind them.

   The five minutes soon turned into half the night as Jonah and Cade deep-dived into conversation. Cade revealed his feelings he had toward Wade and how he was used and abused mentally by him. He also revealed How Wade hung salvation, drugs, and other things over not only Cade's head but everyone in the community. Jonah explained to Cade that these actions were religious trauma and Jesus was in no way like this. In a way Cade understood and believed Jonah. He agreed to take them to Wade so they could all sort this out in a civilized manner, or at least he had hoped.

     Cade escorted Jonah and Camila towards Wade's building. All three of them were nervous but none more than Cam. Her stomach was in knots sas she began to feel clammy. Jonah noticed the fact she was uneasy about the whole ordeal. He slowly reached out and took her hand. Camila was grateful as she gripped it tightly. The two shared a glance before placing their eyes back on Cade. The man was a loon at times, but the talk he and Jonah had seemed sincere enough. The two agreed to give this route with Cade a chance. It was risky since Joanh was recently thrown in a container for taking a stand against Wade, and he knew Camila wanted to flee and take refuge back into the wilderness, but Jonah could not allow Wade to further diminish the community and the holy words.

   Cade walked in the door followed by Jonah and camila. Wade stood up quickly from his chair, tossing a young woman asked who he was about to have relations with.
"Cade, it is late.." his words were in a tone of annoyance rather than anger, but that soon changed when he spotted Jonah walking in behind Cade.
"What is this!? He is supposed to be rotting in that hot box." Wade grit his teeth.
"Wade, just hear him out. I believe he speaks the truth. Maybe you were lied to and this is all a misunderstanding?" Cade tried to take up and make excuses for Wade. He didn't to think the worst of this man who helped him out of that city and gave him so much.
"Don't make excuses for him Cade. He knows what he is doing." Camila chimed in.
"Should have thrown you in with him to roast." Wade hisses.
"Are you afraid of what I have to say? If you are truly god, then you should not have any doubts about your congregation and you should not have any fear of my words?" Jonah spoke up as he stepped in front of them.
"You think I am stupid don't you? you think i'm going to let you poison the minds of my people against me?" Wade sneered.
"It is the truth." Camila snapped back.
"WHOs truth? Yours? His? A fairy tale. The people of this town believe what I tel them and it is our truth and my truth and that is all that matters. I keep them safe. I keep them feed, clothed, and watered..." wade began to name off all his deeds
"But you are lying to them. And abusing them." Camila pointed out the other female in the room.
"They love me."
"They only say that out of fear. "Cade chimed in. Wade tilted his head as he glanced at Cade.
"Well, judas...I didn't know you were that easily persuaded." Wade clicked his tongue at the top of his mouth.
" let me guess you want Jonah and the leader have a showdown about the truth
in a small town where faith runs deep, two preachers find themselves standing before their respective congregations, ready to deliver their sermons. Each had its unique style and beliefs.  the air would thick with anticipation as the stage would be set for a spirited exchange of ideas." Wade laid out a detailed account of what Cade and the two other traders would expect.

"The leader has a Latin bible and the others can not read Latin..." Wade continued.
"And  Jonah would pull out the English one to show how everyone is allowed to read it." Wade stepped around his desk with his hands behind his back.
"Most of the congregation would  go to Johan's side and some would back me. There would be a war and the community. The chaos of the outside world would spill into this one and there would be death....tragedy ...but how about we skip that?" Wade pulls out a gun and points it at them.

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