Chp 3.Strange power awaken

Start from the beginning

Rumia:Let the hunt begin

JacksonLim:Good grief, It seem I have to deal with youkai(prepare for the fight)

Rumia:oh~it seem like you choose to fight, very well, I will see how you can escape for that

Rumia then charge toward JacksonLim as JacksonLim stay his guard up to wait for the opportunity to attack her,Rumia then attack him with her fist and try to hit him several time but JacksonLim dodge Rumia attack and then try to counter her back by throw a punch on her but then Rumia also block his attack and then attack him again back and then took a chance to knock JacksonLim down and then attempting to wrap her arms around JacksonLim, using darkness to hold you still.

Rumia:Gimme a huggy~( She giggles.)

Jackson then Push her away from him and then pull out his knife to slice down the darkness that hold his leg but sadly the darkness that hold his leg couldn't let his leg go

Jackson:You weird better let me go!! I guess you need to eat my fist so you can learn to behave

Rumia laughs. "You're funny! But your fists don't scare me one bit! They only make me hungry!

She shoots a dark orb made of pure darkness at JacksonLim which quickly charge on him and The dark orb then crashes into the ground causing a massive explosion cause JacksonLim sent fly away and injured badly. Rumia laughs once again. "Now you're my prey!" She runs towards JacksonLim with a determined look on her face.JacksonLim then regain his consciousness and slowy stand up to prepare to dodge her next attack but then She runs closer fast and grabs JacksonLim using her darkness to restrain him to get away.She then smiles

Rumia:Haha.. I got you now! You can't escape me. I will have my meal eventually~"

JacksonLim try to free himself from those darkness that wrap his both arm and leg, Rumia tightens the restraint and squeezing him.


Rumia:It'll be easier if you stop struggling. I'm getting hungry~

JacksonLim:I won't let you have your meal!! You annoying punk!!!

Rumia:So defiant

Rumia then tighten him with her darkness again

Rumia:Just give up~


JacksonLim then regain his full energy through his Qi and then let it out and break Rumia darkness grip,She is surprised as his manage to break through her darkness power.

Rumia:What!?!? How do you!?

JacksonLim:(pant) (pant) it seem like I use my full power to free myself

Rumia: You're full of surprises! It's not going to be so easy for me to eat you now...but I won't let you go easyily

she murmurs, seemingly a little excited.

JacksonLim then slowy stand up

JacksonLim:I won't let you eat me! (pant) (pant)

Rumia giggles at his determination.

Rumia:Ahaha.. You're so silly. It's not like you have a choice whether or not I eat you...

She begins walking towards JacksonLim.

Rumia:But don't worry, it won't hurt. Just let me take a bite out of you...~"


JacksonLim then try to stay his guard up and prepare for his next attack, as he walk toward Rumia, he realized that his energy are low and it make him wouldn't able to stand properly and it make him fell down

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