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"You weren't mine to lose." -Taylor Swift


"You look very pretty." Willow smiled as she helped zip my dress up. I smiled at her and moved to look in the mirror.

    I had chosen a tight floor length navy blue dress with a huge slit on my left leg. I matched black stilettos and my natural curls. Willow said this was a gala and called for fancy clothes. Willow was sporting a gray dress, floor length with a tule skirt. As extra as always.

"Thanks." I tried to smile.

    A few hours had gone by since Harry and I's fight. He disappeared so we decided to create a new game plan. I don't know where he went and frankly do not care. I'm both upset and angry at him.

"Wowza." I heard Xavier say from behind me. I sighed and turned around.

"You look handsome too." I winked.

"I'll go get the car ready." Willow left the room, leaving Xavier and I alone in the room.

    I turned around and faced the mirror as Xavier walked up from behind me. He had a deep red suit on that fit his figure perfectly. His hair was gelled to sit perfectly. He removed his hands from his pockets as he approached me.

    I fixed my posture as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I stared at him through the mirror. He moved his hand to fix my necklace to sit perfect on my chest. I placed my hand against it as he put his hands back in his pockets.

"I heard you guys fighting." Xavier cleared his throat as we both turned and broke the tension.

"Not right now Xavier." I shook my head.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. If I caused any of it I'm sorry." Xavier nodded.

"It wasn't you actually." I chuckled and sat down on the bed, collapsing my hands in my lamp.

"Oh." Xavier hid a grin.

"I already booked a flight for tomorrow morning to head back to Las Vegas, I hope you don't mind. I can't sit in a car with him." I took a deep breath to fight off tears.

"I can drive with grumpy." Xavier leaned over and nudged me, making me smile slightly.

"I really need tonight to go smoothly. Get in, get out." I trilled my lips and stood up.

"It will, I promise." Xavier placed his hand on his chest and gave me a firm nod. I grinned back and patted his shoulder.

"Let's get going." I grabbed my purse from off the bed and began to walk out the room, feeling Xavier trail behind.

    When we reached outside the safe house, Willow was already sitting in the passenger seat on her phone. I got in behind her as Xavier climbed into the driver's seat. Only Willow knows where we are going so she had to lead the way.

    It was a drive to Santa Monica, which was pretty far away from where we were staying. I got to stare out the window and people watched. The last time I was in California was nearly ten years ago to see an artist I really liked.

    Xavier pulled up to a huge brick mansion sitting on top of a hill surrounded by other huge houses. Xavier parked the car a little down the street before we all got out. Willow looked uncomfortable while looking around.

"Here." Xavier brought me to the trunk. He pulled out a gun and held it out for me to take.

"No, it's ok. I won't be using it." I pushed it back, my palms getting sweaty when looking at it.

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