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"I will love you either way." -Shawn Mendes


"What the fuck is she doing here?" Harry said, dropping his duffel bag and staring in Willow's direction.

"Hi handsome." Willow winked and waved her fingers at him.

"Xavier insisted she come." I glanced towards Xavier as he stared at me. I shot him a worried glance and he stiffened.

"Yep, she is key to this... thing." Xavier cleared his throat.

"Kennedy, are you really ok with this?" Harry turned and placed his hands on my arm. I nearly folded.

No Harry, I'm not

"Yes. Xavier explained it and she will be a big help. She used to date this man we have to find." I nodded.

Harry's head peered back and forth, trying to decide and weigh his options.

"Fine, but she's sitting in the back." Harry gripped his keys and began to load his car.

"No way am I driving in this shit." Xavier cringed at Harry's luxury car.

"Why not?" Harry hissed as he closed his trunk which was filled with mine and his duffle bags.

"Because it's small and too high tech. Let's take mine." Xavier stepped back to reveal an old van style suv that was half rusted.

"No." Harry was beginning to grow angry.

"I think it could be fun." Willow smiled, moving to stand beside Xavier. A big feather coat was falling down her shoulders as she chewed on gum.

"Ken?" Xavier asked, forcing me to be the final vote.

"We will only take your car if Harry drives." I moved closer to Harry to stand our ground. I know Harry didn't agree but he couldn't fight me.

More like won't

"Why does Styles have to drive it?" Xavier whined.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did we forget the time you put us both into a car crash and then you fled the scene without making sure I was ok?" I eyed him as I felt Harry tense beside me.

"She got you there." Willow giggled.

"Fine." Xavier threw Harry the keys and walked to his car, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Yeah no, she gets dibs." Harry said while unloading our bags for me to bring to Xavier's car.

Xavier's face turned red as he slammed his door closed and climbed into the back seat with Willow. Harry and I put our bags in his trunk and climbed into the front seat. Harry began to fix the mirror and seating as we got settled in.

"Approximately six hours." Harry said while plugging in the directions into his phone. It was already nearly six pm by the time we were all ready.

"How fun." Xavier complained from the back seat.

Harry started to drive and you could clearly hear various weird sounds coming from Xavier's exhaust. I would put money on the fact that this car won't make it to California in six hours.

I cuddled up in the seat as Harry drove us the way. His hand rested on my knee mindlessly, keeping one hand on the wheel. Willow had put headphones on and was staring out the window while Xavier wallowed in the back seat, fucking with the music every so often.

The car ride for the first three hours was extremely quiet and chill. Harry and I would engage in casual conversations, Xavier chiming in when it became casino related. But as it began to go pitch black, the car sounds grew louder and more annoying.

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