Kai looked at the younger Omega in pity and asked "Then the lawsuit, what the fuck is that about?" Kai was livid just like the rest of the people in the room except Darren who didn't know what to do or say.

"They want to take my child away and force me to mate with his older brother, they want to make me into a fucking babymaker!" Darren cried out, frustrated by the situation. Fanum and Duke looked at each other, they knew the only way to get out of this situation was to get Speed to mate with someone else as soon as possible. So without wasting any time, Duke asked the boy "Do you have anyone in mind to mate with?"


Seven months later

The lawsuit was still active, the money for the compensation to the family had increased drastically since Speed decided to break the contract even further and decided to mate with a friend of his. Everything was going well for him, from what he said.

He had the best life he could think he could have after all the shit he went through in a month. The bond with his ex Alpha was finally completely removed and the new one was settled right on top of the old one.

Olajide was still in the mental hospital getting all the treatment he needed for the crazy attacks he got every once in a while. He was definitely doing better than a few months ago. He had given birth to a little girl, who biologically was Olajide's daughter but since he didn't want to be separated by the small being he paid the man in charge of the DNA testing some money to tamper the results.

In the meantime, the main trio, Duke, Kai and Fanum were going great. The constant hospital visits were the only thing disturbing them the most. Fanum had developed some series of complications with the baby growing inside of him. The child was resting right on top of his spine causing him a pain that usually traveled down his legs. The baby was right and growing at a faster rate than normal.

Right at that moment they were all in the hospital. Fanum, early that morning was complaining of a strong pain in his lower back, he described it as something tearing his skin from the inside before covering the wound with salt and lemon. "Puta Madre" the Dominican man cursed holding the railing of the hospital bed.

It felt like forever before some nurses came inside the room with a doctor to break simple news that they could have said over an hour ago. "You are in labour and the only way for you to give birth at this moment is through c- section" The man was in too much pain to acknowledge the words uttered by the man in front of him, all h could say was "Get them the fuck out of me" before he passed out after another shock of pain.

Duke was pacing around in the corridor of the hospital, right outside the room where Fanum was in the middle of an operation unconscious and at high risk. Kai was sat on one of the chairs, holding his twins in his hands. He was scared and impatient just like Duke. He simply wanted to see the face of his mate sound and healthy.

More than fifty minutes had passed and nothing had been told to the two men waiting. Duke by now he was sitting down, a leg violently shaking on the floor, making the row of chairs attached to his vibrate in unison. Another half an hour passed, and the hospital was way too quiet for their liking ì, Anastasia and Jaden were deeply sleeping in their car seats at this point.

No noise was heard until a loud and fast beeping sound could be heard from the surgery room. A bunch of medical assistants were walking in and out of the room in a rush; ignoring the questions of the panicked Enigma and the Omega worried for their mate. Duke was the most panicked one of the two, the beeping sound feeling like a distant eerie second that passed.

It took forever for the doctors to stabilize Fanum to semi-health to continue with the c-section. More minutes passed this time filled with loud footsteps and clicking machines.

"Mr and Mr Dennis-Gonzalez?" A voice called the two sitting in the waiting area, Kai sprang up on his feet like a spring, shouting a yes in fear. "I have bad news and good news" the doctor announced, looking at a pile of charts in his hands. "The good one" Duke demanded walking closer to Kai, holding the Omega by the waist in a tight grip. "Congratulations, it's two bouncy baby boys" the man smiled, handing over the news to the couple.

Kai smiled joyfully, forgetting completely that there was bad news as well.

Duke on the other hand was more preoccupied with the second part of the news.

"And the bad one?" he asked, tightening his grip around Kai's waist, stopping the Omega from the happy smiling he was doing.

"You alpha went through some complications during the procedure. His heart rate went down drastically and we weren't able to stabilize him on time to prevent anything. He is now in a coma, and unfortunately, we don't know when he is going to awake. We are sorry." The doctor explained.

The words were entering one ear and exiting from the other one, nothing made sense to the two of the men. Something inside of them shattered at the same time, sending sparks of pain throughout the bond. They remained immobilized for a while until the noise of a wheeled bed came from the doors also being opened, revealing Fanum with multiple tubes and drips.

Duke was stunned at the image while Kai was speechless, they simply followed the nurses whiling the bed to the room he had left passed out and now was returning in a temporary long sleep.

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