Chapter Twenty-Two: Caught

Start from the beginning

"You're going to eat just the treats and not a meal?" Osa cocked his head to the side, "What a waste." He grunted as they walked off the steps.

"Well yes and no. I'll eat the food we got but those are desert. You know, after dinner snack." Raven stepped out. As Osa began to close the machine she began to look around, noticing a shadow running behind something. The woman tensed up, "Osa I think something's here."

He began clicking as he closed the machine, "Hmm?" The Irinaut glanced back at her before stepping next to her and scanning the area. It was quiet, as it had been, "What did you see?"

"I, I don't know but it's in the sun." The woman looked towards the ships, "We should probably just go back in this one it's fine."

Osa started walking forward slowly. The male had his hand wide open, that glow emitting from it. A sudden shot flew through, zipping by and piercing his back pack, barely missing him. His eyes scanned the area as an animalistic growl boiled in his throat, "Raven did you inform your friends we were coming here?"

Raven had gasped as the shot came through. The woman looked around frantically, "W-What? Osa no! I want to help you I never told anyone we were coming here." She looked at the tranquilizer dart frantically before glancing around, her heart was throbbing, "We need to go Osa, now."

The male seemed frustrated, his claws clawed into the dirt. Osa cocked his head, "Where, Raven? We don't have any time to get back to that pod."

"And if we hide in one of these ships they'll wait us out. We need to go now!" Another shot ran through. Raven gasped out, "Sage is a bad shot with a sniper come on." She grabbed his hand, "We'll go this way."

"Hold it." A gun cocked behind them. Jacques stood with his rifle pointed at Osa, "Raven get behind me."

Raven looked at the gun, Osa had stood up completely straight, his hands glowing brightly as he looked at Jacques. The Irinaut roared out as he stepped forward. Something else was showing in Osa.

"Jacques, s-stop! You don't understand what's going on here." Raven stood in front of Osa, even holding her hands up to him, "Osa please just let me talk to him!"

"Stop? You have some serious explaining to do. You're helping this fucking thing!" Jacques was looking around, seeming to check for the others.

Osa was clearly agitated. The male looked down at Raven as she pleaded, "Talk? TALK!?" The male's knuckles cracked, "All you humans do is point and shoot!" His hand began to glow brightly, "Is that what I should do?" The male was hyper focused on Jacques and the gun pointed in his face. He wasn't interested in anything else except Jacques.

Raven was still standing in front of Osa to protect Jacques, we seemed to be just as confused by this, "Raven fucking move!" The man seemed even more surprise by it's speech, "Holy shit it can talk."

"Yes! He can and he can do a lot more than that please put your gun down! William, Sage! Please don't shoot him!" Raven saw a sudden shimmer in the distance. She moved around the male and suddenly a shot fired. Raven was thrown back into Osa. The woman breathed heavily as she pulled the tranquilizer dart out of her shoulder, "Oh shit..Osa, you need need to run. Please, don't hurt them." The woman began to see double, her vision blurred as she struggled to keep herself braced up with her hands. "Jacques, please let him-"

Before she could finish her sentence, everything went black.

Osa had caught her head. The Irinaut suddenly pulled her in and screeched. He seemed panicked. The Irinaut looked at Jacques, oddly enough using Raven as a shield. At this point it was his only chance. The Irinaut looked around; holding the woman close to his frame before suddenly bending his legs and jumping upwards on to the ship, and running.

Shots were fired, Jacques could be heard cursing over the radio, but Osa just ran. The Irinaut jumped the fence; stumbling with Raven. He couldn't just leave her there. He didn't know what they'd do to her if they found out she was helping him. Even more so, he wasn't ready for her to go.

"Shit! It's running. Raven's fucking out cold. You hit her with the shot, Sage! What the fuck was that!?" Jacques yelled out.

"We can still get them! We have time!" William had been set up at the door in case anything came out that way, "Come on we can follow it! It took Raven! She was right there Jacques why didn't you stop it?!"

"Yeah well Raven wasn't to interested in giving it up. She blocked my fucking shot." Sage climbed off the ship, "Chase them? Yeah because we have time for that. We waited thirty minutes for the leech head to even walk off that ship."

"What do you mean she blocked the shot?" William seemed confused. That didn't sound like Raven, "She wouldn't-"

"She did William. She's helping it. She didn't even want me to hurt it..the thing could talk." Jacques stood quietly. He didn't seem as angry now. In fact, they all just seemed to be in a state of shock, "We don't have time to follow them. If we would have bagged him just now, we'd been golden." Jacques sighed, "Get back to the truck and get it set up for the night, call the Sphere. We need to tell them what we've found."


The screeches could be heard. Osa made his own crackling nose as he ran through the streets. He panted as he ran, not stopping or even attempting to look back. He held the woman tightly as he tried his best to backtrack to the pod. Somewhere, anywhere to hide from the infected. Most buildings were busted open, and prime places for infected to sleep. No where was safe.

Osa saw an old looking garage with the door closed and barred windows. The garage door was cracked, and the world around them had become dark. His golden hue lit up around him. It wasn't exactly the best cover himself. The male managed to pull it open, and quickly crawled under and dragged Raven inside. He panted heavily as he glanced around the garage and saw a large semi truck. The Irinaut took a deep breath, exhausted, before picking Raven back up and hoisting her into the semi. He set her down in the bed in the back of the semi before moving back out to secure the door.

After locking up the door, he let out a sigh of relief before going back to the truck and climbing inside. The Irinaut took Raven's cheeks on his palms to check her mask. She was breathing. Osa let out a sigh of relief before falling back on the bed next to her; his feet braced against the wall of the truck. It wasn't exactly Irinaut sized.

'Why didn't I leave you there? That's what you wanted wasn't it?' Osa placed his hand on top of Raven's head as he thought to himself. Sure things didn't go as planned, but she had wanted to go back, 'Should I had left her?' Osa looked down at the woman, whom was clearly out cold from the tranquilizer dart. The Irinaut curled up into a ball next to her before grabbing a few sheets and covering up the both of them.

'I'll protect you.'

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