Airport Reunion

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A/N: Guys thank you soooooooo much for 1k reads, I can't believe it. Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented.

(Jay was gone on a work trip for a while and Hailey and Thomas count down days until they can pick him up at the airport. Suggestion by @evieensor. i tried something different with this one Once again sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.)

Jay was sent to new york for a month because of a human trafficking case together with Voight and Kevin, this meant that Hailey stayed back in Chicago with their 5-year-old son Thomas. Jay was coming back home in a week and Hailey was just counting down the days.

7 days until jay comes back:

Being alone at home with a preschooler is hard especially when they get sick but that exactly what was going on in the Upton-Halstead house. Thomas woke up with a fever and Hailey stayed home with him. Most of the day the two just watched movies in Haileys and jays' bed but by the evening toms fever started breaking and he started sweating a lot, so Hailey took him to give him a bath. Because Tom was so tired he was really grumpy and just didn't want to listen. "Come on buddy just sit down in the water i promise its not to cold" Hailey sighed while holding her son in the bathtub. "No, no, no!" Tom shouted and started bawling. "Shh tom it's okay just sit down and mommy will quickly wash you and then we can go back to watching movies" Hailey tried to make a compromise. Tom slowly sat down but didn't stop crying. Hailey rested her head down on the rim of the bathtub for a second sighed and said, "Only 7 more days left."

6 days until jay comes back:

Tom was feeling better today but Hailey felt sick today, so she drove Thomas to preschool and returned back home. Hailey went back to bed and fell asleep. She was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. Hailey rolls on to her side and picks up her phone to see that Jay was calling. She rubbed her face before answering the phone. "Hey babe" she heard jays voice say from the other side of the phone. "hey" Hailey said. "Are you sick?" Jay said after he heard how congested Hailey sounded. "I think so, Tom was sick yesterday so i guess i got it" Hailey sighed. "why didn't you call me i could have asked to go home earlier" jay said. Hailey smiled, she loved how much Jay cared about their little family. "Its not that bad" Hailey said but Jay could hear that she was lying. "Well babe its only 6 days until I'm back" Jay said trying to lighten the mood. "Only 6 days left" Hailey repeated to herself.

5 days until jay comes back:

Today was much easier for the most part. Hailey felt better so after she dropped Thomas off, she went to work. The day went by smoothly until it was time to put Tom to sleep. "Okay bud grab a book that you want me to read" Hailey told her son. "Mommy no read, daddy, daddy read" Thomas said while crossing his arms. "Tommy, daddy is in New york he can't read to you today." When tom heard this he dropped to his knees and started to bawl. "Oh buddy, i know you miss him but he will come home soon" Hailey said as she picked her son off the floor. "how soon" Thomas asked wiping away some tears. "In 5 days buddy" Hailey said while moving some hair from toms forehead. "that's many" toms sighed. "that's not that many days buddy look" Hailey said and showed Tom her hand and started counting on her fingers " 1... 2... 3...4... 5.... see not that many days right?" Tom nodded and rested his head on Hailey's chest "only five" he yawned.

4 days until Jay comes back:

Today after work Hailey dropped Tom off at wills and Natalies place so he could spend time with his cousin Owen. When she was back home, she texted Kim if she wanted to hang out, within 30 minutes Kim and Hailey were sitting at a table in a restaurant. The two of them spend the evening talking about work, kids and just life in general. As they were walking out Kim turns to Hailey and asks, "So when is jay coming back?" Hailey smiles "4 days."

3 days until Jay comes back:

If there was one word to describe today, it would be chaos. The day started off by Hailey over sleeping causing the rest of the moring to be a rush. A couple of hours later Hailey was sitting at work when she got a phone call from the daycare. Turns out Tom has fallen over, and they think that he might have broken his wrist. Hailey drove to the daycare to see a crying Tom sitting on a couch with his teacher holding ice on his wrist. Haileys heart shattered at the site. When she got Tom into the car they drove off to MED. Once they were at MED Tom was sent stright to x-rays. 1 hour later their doctor walked in "So i got some bad news and good news. The bad news is that his wrist is broken but the good news is that it is a very clean break so we will but him in a splint for a week and then he will get a hard cast for 3 weeks." Hailey sighed and stroked Toms hair "Oh buddy." As the doctor was walking out he said "A nurse will be with you shortly." that turned out to be a lie, Hailey and tom waited for 2 hours for someone to come and put a splint on Tom. When Hailey and tom got Back to the car, Tom immediately fell asleep in the car seat. Hailey took out her phone and texted Jay "hey babe, everything is fine now but Tom broke his wrist, he is sleeping right now so we will call you tomorrow, Love you."

2 days until Jay comes back:

Hailey slept in Toms room tonight because he kept on waking up crying. The two stayed home today because Hailey was a little scared of sending Tom to day care until he got a real cast. As soon as they both woke up, they called Jay who immediately picked up. "Hey babe" Hailey said in a saddened tone. "Hey, how is he doing?" Jay asked concerned. "He is doning fine, but we were waking up a lot tonight huh bud?" Hailey asked Tom who was lying half-awake on Haileys lap. "yeah" Tom replied in a sleepy voice. "How did it even happen?" Jay asked. Hailey explained the whole story to Jay and mentioned how long he will need to wear the splint and then the cast. "oh, my poor baby. how about this, what if daddy buys you a toy and gives it to you when I'm back. How does that sound?" Jay asked his son. Toms face lit up and he started to nod. "Alright then we have a plan, well i need to go, but i love you guys so much and i miss you" Jay said smiling "we love you too, see you in 2 days" Hailey siad and hung up the phone.

1 day until Jay comes back:

Today was a really boring day in the Upton-Halsted house. Most of the day Hailey and Tom spend in bed watching movies. In the evening, they facetimed Jay. Hailey sat down on the couch with Tom and waited for Jay to answer. In a hotel room in new york Jay saw that his phone was ringing. His faced light up when he saw who is calling."Hi guys" He answered the phone. The 3 of them talked for an hour and just talked about their days. "Well i will see you guys tomorrow, love you" Jay said. " We love you more, right Tom" Hailey said looking at their son who started to nod. They Hang up the phone. "Tomorrow" Hailey said to herself.

The day Jay comes back:

Hailey and Thomas were standing in the airport. Out of no were Thomas started to wiggle around in Haileys arms so she put him down and Tom just took off. Hailey looked to the direction were Tom run off to and saw Jay standing there with his bag in his hand. Hailey speed walked after Tom towards Jay. When Tom ran up to Jay, Jay picked his son up and hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head "Hey buddy i missed you so much." Thomas looked up at his dad "I love you daddy." At this point Hailey walked up to them. Jay moved Thomas onto his hip and with his free hand wrapped Hailey in a hug. "I missed you so much" Hailey said into Jays chest. "I missed you guys more" Jay said. After a minute the family made their way to their car, they were all happy to be together again.

(That's it for this one-shot, I hoped you enjoyed it. As always, I am open for ideas and suggestions.)

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