Our little family

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(Hailey and jay are married before Hailey join the unit and recently had a child and Hailey decided that to take the baby to see his daddy at work. request sent by @LouWalker0. Again, sorry for any spelling mistakes. enjoy)

It's been almost 2 months since Hailey gave birth to her and Jays son Thomas and it's been hard. Jay had gone back to work and Hailey still had maternity leave for 2 months but she would not be going back to her old job afterwards, before Hailey gave birth to Thomas she planned after maternity leave, she will go work with Jay instead which was adding on to her stress. Of course, she met everyone in passing but she had no idea how they were as work partners.

It was a Monday and Hailey was in the living room trying to calm Thomas down. he was having a rough day and was crying almost none stop. "ssshhhhh its okay mommy's here" Hailey soothes the baby. Its only 12.00 meaning jay will be home in five and a half hours. Hailey started to rock side to side hoping that the motion will calm the baby down, but nothing was helping the baby was still crying. After a little while Thomas got hungry so Hailey feed him causing him to be quiet for a little while. It felt like Heaven for Hailey even for 2 minutes of no crying. But after Thomas ate, he went right back to crying. that's when Hailey got an idea, what if she took Thomas to the district. This would Thomas be calmer because both of his parents would be there, and it would give Hailey a chance to see the unit in action so that she knew how they worked together when she would join the unit. She took out her phone and sent a text to Jay explaining her idea. After 10 minutes Jay texted back "just talked to Voight and he said that it's a good idea" Hailey quickly texted back "perfect we will be there in about 20 minutes." she took Thomas and made her way to the car. Thomas was still crying when Hailey put him into the car but when they started riding the motion of the car calmed him down making him fall asleep. Hailey really enjoyed the silence the rest of the ride, she could finally hear herself think. Just like that they arrived at the district.

Thomas was still asleep in the carrier when Hailey walked into the district. they were greeted by Trudy Platt behind the front desk. Trudy knew Hailey since Hailey was 12 years old making her one of the two peoples in this district that Hailey could talk freely with, the other one being Jay. Hailey walked up to the desk "hey Trudy, could you buzz us up?" Trudy looked at Hailey and saw how tired she looked "rough day huh?" she asked. "yeah" Hailey sighed. Trudy buzzed them up but the buzzing sound of the gate woke the baby up. Thomas stated to cry again which made Hailey want to cry to, she felt so helpless.

Up in the bullpen the team could hear the crying from downstairs. Kim looked around confused until she saw Jay smiling. "Is Halsted jr making all that noise?" she asked. Jay nodded "apparently he wouldn't calm down and was just crying today so Hailey thought that maybe he would come down if both of his parents where around, plus Hailey can see us in action before she starts working here" right when he said that Hailey walked up the stairs with a still crying Thomas, but the second Jay walked up to Them and looked at Thomas stopped crying and smiled. Hailey just sighed with relief. Once Jay and Hailey got Thomas situated Hailey went to say hello to everyone. When she finished the team went back to work. Hailey sat at the empty desk that will soon be hers and just watched. She was amazed by how smoothly the team worked together.

When they got home Thomas slept the rest of the day, so Jay and Hailey just had a cozy evening watching movies.

After that day staying home with Thomas just got easier. he was crying less and less every day and Hailey was calmer.

(I really didn't know how to end this one, so I just tried my best. I hope you enjoyed this one shot. I'm open for ideas and suggestions.)

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