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(Hailey has a seizure. Suggestion by @evieensor. Set in season 9 before they got married. i just want to apologies because I am not a doctor, nor do I have seizures and google wasn't super helpful so I might get some stuff wrong. As always sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes) 

Hailey had epilepsy since she was a kid but was on medication which made her seizure free for the past 7 years. But since the Roy Walton case Hailey has been so stressed out and forgot to take her meds the last week. When she got up in the Moring, she just didn't feel herself. She brushed it off blaming it on the fact that she didn't really have a good night sleep for the past couple of weeks. After she took a shower and got ready, her and Jay made their way to work.

Throughout the day Hailey just felt something that she could only describe as a funny feeling, but she knew that this was the feeling that she used to get before seizures. She stood up from her desk and walked to the locker room to drink some water. Jay saw that his girlfriend just didn't look right and followed her to the lockers. On the way to the locker room Hailey started to realize what was happening. She sat down in front of her locker and put her head in her hands trying to think of what she should do. When Jay walked in, he made his way over to the bench that Hailey was sitting on and put a hand on her shoulder. " Hey, you okay babe?" he asked concerned. Hailey looked with a small, panicked look in her eyes "Jay I -I think I will have a seizure." Jays' eyes went wide for a second. Even though he knew that Hailey had epilepsy he never seen her have a seizure. He thought for a second before saying "okay let's get you to the break room where you can lay on the sofa, then if anything happens you will be on a soft surface and also have some privacy." Hailey nodded and the couple started to make their way to the break. But as they entered the bull pen Jay felt Hailey stop walking. He looked over to see his girlfriend look around the room confused. "Hailey?" He asked inspecting every movement that she made. That made everyone in the room turn their attention to the couple. Hailey looked at him for a second before her eyes rolled back as her body stiffened and she began falling. "Fuck!" jay shouted as he rushed to catch his girlfriend. He lowered Hailey onto the floor as she started to convulse. Jay quickly started a timer on his phone. "Adam give me your jacket!" Jay said putting his hand under Haileys head. Adam shot up from his chair and grabbed his jacket before running over to jay and handing him the jacket. Jay took the jacket and placed it under Haileys hand replacing his hand. "it's okay, you're okay babe I'm here." jay soothed his girlfriend while turing her on her side. The rest of the team was silent until Kim said, "Should i call the ambulance?" Jay looked down at his seizing girlfriend "no, not yet" he said, he knew that because it's not her first seizure and she wasn't seizing for over 5 minutes there was no need for an ambulance. Soon after Haileys seizure came to an end. Jay checked for normal breathing and sighed in relive when Hailey was breathing normally. Jay started to massage Haileys hair with his hand as Haileys started to wake up. Hailey opened her eyes and looked around confused, she didn't remember what happened, had a headache and just felt sore. Jay noticed that Hailey was looking around so he cupped her cheek. "Hailey, you're okay, you had a seizure, you're at work, how are you feeling?" he said. "Tired" she sighed. Jay moved some hair off Haileys forehead. "i know babe but i want to go get you checked out." " No Jay please no just let me sleep it off" Hailey sighed. "Babe please I'm worried you haven't had one in a long time" Jay said, he knew how much Hailey hated doctors. "You know what let's make a compromise, what if i take you home and then i will ask will to come over" Jay said and he could see that Hailey relaxed. Hailey sighed and nodded "yeah let's do that, can you carry me?" Jay chuckled "yeah" he wrapped his arms around Haileys waist and picked her up. "Adam, can you grab our bags and follow us down to our car?" Jay said making his way down the stairs. Adam followed the couple until they reached their car. Jay put Hailey in the passenger's seat then went back to Adam. "Thanks man" he said taking his and Hailey's stuff from Adam. "No problem man, I hope she will start to feel better soon" Adam said. "Ok we got to go, thanks again man" Jay said getting into the car. Adam waited until they drove off before going back inside

At home Jay put Hailey on the sofa. Will came 30 minutes later and after some tests he said Hailey was fine. The rest of the day the couple spent watching movies. As they were falling asleep Hailey whispered, "i love you jay, your my hero." Jay was practically asleep but whispered back "I love you too Hails"

(That's it for this one-shot, I hoped you enjoyed it. As always I am open for ideas and suggestions.)

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