Broken foot

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(Jay and Hailey take Thomas to the trampoline park but Hailey breaks her foot. let's pretend that Natalie and Will got married and Natalie never left. Once again sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.)

Jay and Hailey came home around noon on a Friday after closing a case. Jay turned the tv on and sat on the couch. Right when he thought he could relax Thomas jumps on top of him. "Hey buddy" Jay says while ruffling his son's hair. The four-year-old looks at jay smiles and says, "Daddy come play". Jay sighs, he really thought he would have the rest of the afternoon to just watch tv. He looks at Thomas " Why don't you go ask mommy bud". "I did mommy said to ask daddy." Thats when Jay got an idea. "Wait here kiddo I need to talk to mommy then we can play, ok?" Thomas nods and Jay walked away to Hailey. Hailey is sitting at her desk finishing up some paperwork. "Hails babe I have an idea" Jay says leaning on the door frame. Hailey turns around in her chair "What is it babe?" Jay walks over to Hailey and kisses her on the head before saying. "What if we take Thomas to a trampoline park so that he can get rid of some energy and then when we come back you and I can have a movie night." Hailey thinks about it for a second then answers, "yeah sure." Jay smiles " I'll go tell tom and get him and I ready and you get changed." Hailey kisses jays' cheek "ok babe" she says and smiles. Jay walks back out into the living room where Thomas is still sitting on the couch playing with his fingers. " Hey buddy do you want to go to a trampoline park?" jay asks his son. Thomas jumps up and nods his head excitedly. 20 minutes later everyone was out of the door and where driving to the trampoline park.

 When they arrived and paid for the entrance the family made their way on to the trampolines. When Thomas sees all the trampolines and foam pits his jaw dropped. He looked up at his parents and asked, "I can play?" Hailey smiles and answers "Yeah kiddo we can all play here." Thomas grabbed his parents' hands and dragged them onto the trampolines.  they start to jump and goof around. Hailey and Jay took turns throwing Thomas into the foam pits and running after him through the trampolines. But when the family was jumping next to each other Hailey landed wrong on her foot and felt a snap. 

Hailey quickly sat down on the side of the trampoline and looked down at her ankle. she noticed that her ankle didn't look right. she tries her best not to scream in pain. Jay noticed that Hailey is sitting down and turn his attention to her. He stopped jumping and walked over to Hailey. "Babe, are you okay?"  he asked and Hailey looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Jay looked down at her ankle at immediately knew what happened. "Woah ok" Jay said while squatting down next to Hailey. "Jay i-it hurst really bad!" Hailey says with her voice breaking. "I know hails, I know" he says and cups her cheek with his hand. he looked at Thomas who is still jumping on the same trampoline.  Jay then looks around for employee, when he couldn't find one, he came up with a different plan. "Ok hails this is what we are going to do i will move you to a bench and then sit Thomas next to you then i will go get an employee and some ice ok?" Hailey nods and wipes away some tears that escaped her eyes. Jay picks Hailey up into his arms and carries her over to the closer bench. He then walks over to Thomas and while picking him up he says "kiddo, you need to sit down next to mommy for a little bit, ok?" The little boy nods and holds onto his dads' neck as he carries him over to the bench that Hailey was sitting on. Thomas saw that Hailey was in pain, so the second Jay sat him next to her Thomas climbs into Haileys lap and hugs here as tight as he can. Hailey saw Jay walk away and turned all of her attention to Thomas hopping that it will take her mind off the pain in her foot. Not even 5 minutes later Jay came back with ice and an employee carrying a first aid kit. The employee walks over to Hailey and say "Hey you must be Hailey my name is Jake I work here. I heard you heard you hurt your foot."  Hailey looks up at the employee and nods. Jay takes Thomas off of Haileys lap and looks at Hailey and says, " I will put him on a trampoline, but I will stay close by, ok?" "Ok but promise you will stay close" Hailey says grabbing Jays hand. "I promise" Jay says and walks away. After icing and looking over Haileys foot the employee says, "ok I think its broken so we have two options, i can call an ambulance or your husband can drive you, which are you choosing?" Hailey hates ambulances so she didn't even have to think about her answer "my husband will drive my" the employee nods and starts to walk away. "Wait!" Hailey says causing the employee to turn around "thank you for helping" Hailey says and smiles. "No worries, hope your foot gets better soon" the employee says and walks away. When Jay and Thomas walk back to Hailey, she told Jay that they need to go to the hospital. The couple agreed that they would first drop Thomas off at Kims and Adams house and then drive to MED.

Once they arrived at MED Jay parks the car and says, "Ok do you want me to carry you, or should I get a wheelchair?" Hailey looks up at Jay and says, "Could you carry me?" "of course, babe" Jay say before wrapping his arms around Haileys waist and lifting her out of the car. They walk into the emergency department and Jay places Hailey onto a chair then goes and gets the registration papers.  He walks back and sits next to Hailey and says, " I registered you so now we just need to wait, how's the pain?" Hailey leans onto Jay "Hurts like a motherfucker" Hailey sighs.  Jay chuckles a little and side hugs Hailey. After almost 2 hours of waiting, they get called back into a room.  As Hailey lays down on the hospital bed Natalie comes into the room. She looks up at them and asks, "what the hell happened Hailey?" Hailey tries to smile through the pain and says, "wanted to show Thomas that mommy is not that old and could still jump on trampolines, but I landed wrong on my foot." Natalie smiles at the couple before walking over to the foot of the bed "okay let's take at that foot, this might hurt but I will need to move it around a little." Hailey sighs "do what you have to do Nat" she says as she grabs Jays hand. As Natalie takes Haileys shoe and sock off Hailey twisted and winced in pain. "I know Hailey I'm so sorry, okay now I will rotate your ankle a little" Hailey nodded and squeezed Jays hand. Jay took his other hand and gently started to play with Haileys hair. Natalie barely rotated Haileys ankle before Hailey bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut. "Okay Hailey it's pretty sure to say that its broken but we need to take an x-ray to make sure that it's not displaced so once we get that back we will talk about what we do next" Hailey nodded. Jay looks up at Natalie "thanks Nat." After Hailey was done with x rays Nat came back into the hospital room "just like I thought, your foot is broken but good news nothing is displaced so we will put a soft cast on you today and then you should come back next week for a hard cast." Hailey looks at Natalie "before I leave could I get something for the pain, it is killing me!" Natalie chuckles "yeah of course a nurse will come with the pain killers and to put on the cast then I will come back with the discharge papers." Hailey nods "okay perfect." After about 45 minutes Hailey is discharged and the couple are on their way to Kims and Adams house to pick Thomas up. 

As they pull up Jay looks at Hailey and says, " do you want to wait in the car?" Hailey looks at the house that they were parked in front of "yeah I guess." Jay nods then kisses Haileys forehead before jumping out of the car and picking Thomas up. when they come back to the car Jay puts Thomas into his car seat. The second Thomas sees Hailey his smiles fades, and he looks at his mom concerned "mama, ok?" he asks. Hailey smiles at Thomas through the rear-view mirror "yeah buddy mama is ok I just broke my foot so now I need to wear this big Bandage on it, but you know what is cool about it?" the four-year-old shakes his head. "You can draw all over it" Hailey says before seeing her son smiling from ear to ear. 

When the family got home Jay took out all of the colorful sharpies that they had and the three of them spent the rest of the day drawing on Haileys cast. after each week Haileys foot was getting better and better. after 8 weeks Hailey took the hard cast off and started physical therapy. Not even a month after that Hailey was back at work but still taking it a little easy.

(That's it for this one-shot, I hoped you enjoyed it. As always I am open for ideas and suggestions.) 

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