Caramel - Chapter Twenty Six

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"I never thought I'd get to wear a wedding dress." Maria laughed as John walked into the lodge. "Do I look out of place?"

John was speechless, the day was hectic but she sure was the rainbow after the storm. "You look beautiful." He said. "Stunning."

She slid her heel on before standing on her feet, flattening the dress with her hands. "You think so? This is all I could find on such short notice." She glanced into the hallway mirror, smiling softly. "Think it'll do?"

John nodded. "It'll do, sweetheart." He opened his palm, offering his hand. "It's time."

She adjusted her veil to the front, covering her face. "Is it perfect?"

John gave her an emotional smile, nodding his head yet again. "Everything is perfect." She physically relaxed, her nervousness fading away slowly. "Follow my lead, sweetheart. You're gonna be alright."

She linked her arm with his, watching as Gator gave a thumbs up through the window and the music outside began to play. Then he reached for the door knob, pulling the door open. "Ready?" John asked.

"As I'll ever be." She agreed, following his lead.

They stepped through the door, onto the porch. She took in her surroundings. For such short notice, it was indeed absolutely perfect. It was small and intimate but that's all she needed. Rip stood a few feet away, Floyd by his side and a smile on his face.

John helped her down the steps and everybody took to their feet. She smiled at Leo as she passed and he bowed his head in respect, returning the smile. They grew up together and struggled together, seeing her happy made him genuinely happy.

Then she passed Kayce, that's when she noticed the person sitting next to him. The only person who hadn't stood up. Beth.

She did her best to hide the sour taste in her mouth, focusing her eyes on Rip. He smiled, it filled his face up to his eyes. As she got closer she noticed tears fluttering down his face, she had never seen him cry before.

"Who gives the bride away today?" The pastor asked.

John smiled at both Rip and Maria before speaking. "She gives herself." He squeezed her hand. "With her father's blessing."

The pastor nodded, stepping back to allow her to stand in front of Rip. "Thank you." She pecked John's cheek, he nodded and gave her a supportive wink.

Rip and Maria took each others hands, their hearts beating as one in a nervous rhythm. "Hi." He said.

"Hi." She almost let out a nervous giggle but held back. "You look nice."

"You look beautiful." He reached for her veil, pulling it over her face to make eye contact. "You make the most beautiful bride."

She blushed. "You make a lucky groom."

Everybody laughed to themselves, sitting as the pastor instructed them to. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony, which is commended of St. Paul to be an honorable estate, instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in the love of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined." He cleared his throat. "Let us pray."

Everybody bowed the heads, removing their hats. "O' Almighty God you have created us all in the image of Love, the image of Yourself. Bless now these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, that as they journey through this life together they will walk as bearers of your Truth. Amen."

A chorus of 'amens' sung through the gathering, including Beth. Maria did her best to ignore it, handing Teeter her bouquet as she was the only person who stood next to her. "Please join hands." The pastor instructed. "I ask you each now to repeat the marriage vows. Starting with you, big fella."

Rip chuckled before he spoke. "I, Rip Wheeler, take you, Maria Valeria Luna, for my wedded wife. To love and cherish. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward and in every life after."

Her eyes gleamed with tears, now it was her turn. "I," She smiled and he returned it. "Maria Luna, take you, Rip Wheeler, for my wedded husband. To love and cherish. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." She squeezed his hands. "All I ask is that you out live me so I never have to live another day without you." A stray tear ran down his face, making everybody just as emotional.

"I ask that the rings please be presented to me." Pastor said, looking around for the person with the rings.

"That would be me." Lloyd said, presenting the two bands in his hand. "Here you go, Pastor."

He took them into his hands before speaking again. "Bless, O Lord The Giving of these rings that they who wear them, may live in your peace and your favor all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Another chorus sang, there was Beth yet again with the obnoxious "amen".

The pastor then opened his hand. "As you place this ring on your partner's finger I ask that you repeat these words..." He spoke the words, instructing them to repeat them and they did.

Rip slipped the ring onto her ring finger, right above his mother's ring. He sniffled. "This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed."

Maria did the same, slipping the band onto his finger, repeating the same words. The pastor smiled at the pair, shutting his book as he began to speak. "May the Peace and the Unconditional Love of God surround you and remain with you now and forevermore. Amen."

"Amen." Maria smiled at Rip, their eyes making the most eye contact possible.

"Amen." Rip said. "I love you, darling."

Pastor nodded. "You may seal your vows with a kiss."

Rip took a step forward, pulling her close by wrapping his hand around her waist. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, not a care in the world for her lipstick.

"Allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Rip Wheeler!"

Everybody cheered, music began to play throughout the ranch. "Mrs. Wheeler." Rip whispered just to her when they parted from the kiss.

"Mr. Wheeler." She cupped his jaw, pressing a kiss to his nose. "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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