Caramel - Chapter Twenty Five

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"Darling, slow down." Rip reached out as Maria ran in circles around him. He gripped her wrist, a smile on his face. "What are you looking for?" She seemed irritated and stressed but still had a certain glow on her face that made her look almost majestic. "Maybe I can help you."

"John!" She almost shouted. "Someone told me he was in the house, then someone else told me he was in the barn and now supposedly he's out on the pasture."

"Well that's easy." Rip chuckled, pointing behind her. "Looks like he came to you."

She turned and noticed John looking around as he walked up to the pair, he was coming from the direction of the bunk house. "What's going on?" He glanced around again, noticing the people walking around the ranch. "Why are there so many people here?"

"Uh.." Rip looked down at Maria before he looked back at John. "I'll let you handle that one, dear." He began to walk away. "Gotta to talk to the people with the chairs."

John raised an eyebrow at her, waiting. "Well?"

"We're getting married today..." She offered a nervous smile. "Surprise?"

"That's a good word for it." He sighed. "Do you need help with anything?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you before anything started." She tugged his shirt sleeve, side stepping toward the porch stairs. He followed her, soon after they sat on the rocking chairs that looked out onto the pasture.

"Looks like it's started." He teased. "What's on your mind, honey?"

She sighed, sitting back and relaxing into the chair. "It's a big ask."

"Okay." He nodded. "I get a lot of those."

She dryly chuckled in attempt to hide how nervous she was. "Uhm.." She trailed off, he now looked over at her, awaiting the question. "I was wondering if you'd like to walk me down the aisle?"

He was taken back, but a smile filled his face. "Me?"

She nodded, her eyes pricking. "You."

"Wow." He sat up, clearing his throat. "Sweetheart." He sniffed. "I'd be honored."

She smiled warmly, standing to her feet. He mirrored her, taking the hint that she wanted to embrace him. He hugged her tightly, forcing himself to not become emotional. "You're all grown up." He pulled apart, setting his hands on her shoulders. "It feels like just yesterday I drove all the way to Texas to pick you up. God, you put up such a fight." He chuckled deeply. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you, daddy." She nodded. "Thank you."

He patted her shoulder before releasing her from his grip. "Thank you." He sniffed, looking away to hide his face. "How 'bout you go get ready and I'll take care of everything that has to be taken care of around here."

"Okay." She nodded her head with a smile. "One more thing?"

"Anything." He agreed.

"Rip is too prideful to ask. But your blessing would mean a lot to him." She nodded at Rip who
stood against the corral, speaking to Floyd. "Wanna go have a chat with him?"

"You got it." He nodded. "I'll get on that for you."

"Thank you." She brushed a hand through her hair. "If you need anything, call me, please?" He hummed in agreement and she took a step off of the porch. "I have to run into Bozeman for my dress. I'll be back in about an hour."

He watched her walk away, before looking over to where Rip was now standing alone. He sighed, it was now or never. "How you feeling, son?" Rip turned his head as John set his boot on the lowest fence, patting his back. "Nervous?"

"Not at all." Rip said. "More..." He thought. "What's the word?"


"Yes sir." He nodded. "Enthusiastic."

John smirked softly, a deep chuckle escaping his lips. "It's written all over your face in red letters." He removed his hat, setting it against his chest as he spoke. "I know you'll make her happy." He began. "I'm trusting you with one of my most prized possessions." He teased, shaking his head softly. "I'm not good at this."

"Ite okay, sir." Rip nodded. "I know what you're trying to say."

John gave him a single nod, patting his back once more. "Welcome to the family, son." With that he walked away, leaving Rip with a simper on his face.

He felt the excitement in his core bubbling to the surface. He turned to walk toward the chair renters, stopping hot in his tracks when he made eye contact with the last person he thought he would on his wedding day. "Beth." He said.

She flicked her cigarette, nodding as she greeted him. "Hey."

He cleared his throat, looking around before stepping in her direction. "What are you doing here?"

She shrugged a shoulder, blowing the smoke from her mouth. "Damage control." She glanced around at the busy ranch. "What's going on here?"

She scoffed in a teasing manner. "What two sad sacks of shit are sharing debt now?"

Rip set his hand on his hip, the other nervously scratched his beard. "Maria and I."

Her eyebrows became raised, her pouty lips parted slightly. "Oh?" She dropped the bud to the ground, stepping on it with her heel. "Care for a bachelor party?"

"No." He shook his head, his stomach tying into a knot. "I can't."

"Hmm." She hummed. "Bummer."

She went to turn around but he stopped her. "Beth." He sighed. "I love her." He almost reached for her just so she would stay and listen, but she stepped back as he reached. "I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with her."

Beth pursed her lips, squinting her eyes as she stepped toward him. Their faces were inches away. She smirked, it was a cold and bitter expression. "That's unfortunate for her." Her eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips, then she took a step back and walked away. He was left standing with his hands on his hip and a weird feeling in his stomach. It felt like a pit that was doing circles on the inside.

He removed his hat, scratching his sweaty head. It wasn't second thoughts, but he couldn't quite put his finger on the feeling.

Caramel | Rip WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now