Caramel - Chapter Nineteen

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The papers were signed the next day. The long drive back to Montana was more quiet than usual, Maria took the next day to soak everything in. The engagement, the selling and the massacre that took place on the property she grew up in.

She tried her best to ignore the continuous buzzing in her back pocket but Rip wasn't big on listening to the radio, so it began to bother him when she didn't answer the fifth phone call.

"Well pick it up." He muttered as he turned onto a long dirt road.

She watched the gravel fly around them as the tires created a loud crunch sound, almost hiding the buzzing of her phone. She tried to hold off as long as she could, but Rip looked at her with an eyebrow raised and she gave in, huffing as she pulled it from her jeans. The caller ID read 'Kayce' and boy, was Rip ready to hear what he had to say.

"I'm not here." He said, nodding at her phone so she'd answer the sixth call.

She tugged at the inside of her cheek with her teeth, swiping the screen to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey." Kayce said.

It was quiet for a bit so she spoke again. "What's up?"

"I.." It sounded as if he shuffled his feet in the dirt, trying to make himself comfortable. "I miss you."

Rip and Maria shared a questionable look, her heart beginning to pound in her chest. "What do you mean?"

"Why did you leave?" It sounded as if he could cry. "You didn't say goodbye."

Rip nodded his head again, gesturing he wanted her to play along. "Uh, Kayce... I really don't think this is appropriate."

"I'm sorry, I just..." He trailed off, sighing after he cleared his throat. "I wish it was you."

Her face contorted, portraying she was confused. "Have you been drinking?"

"I chose wrong." He replied. "I should've chose you."

Rip set his left turn signal, making a wide turn toward the ranch. But then he looked over at Maria, beginning to doubt how serious she was about their engagement.

"Kayce." Maria stated. "Monica loves you." The line was quiet, so she continued. "And I love Rip." She shook her head as if he could see her. "I'm sorry."

It was quiet again for a few seconds, then the line went dead. That's when the truck came to a stop and Rip quickly hopped out of the vehicle. Maria watched as he almost sprinted in a certain direction, not bothering to shut the door behind him.

"What are the fucking odds?" She mumbled to herself, pushing the heavy door open. She swung it shut behind her, walking in the direction Rip ran off to. By the time she approached them it was too late. Rip had thrown Kayce to the ground. "Rip!" She shouted, attempting to pull him off by the belt loop of his jeans. "Rip, stop!"

She flew back as his arm swung in her direction, dodging him she fell to the ground, her hat flying into the air. It landed a few feet away, she reached for it before standing back up. Now she was angry. There wasn't much she could do to part the two men, this fight was ten years in the making and man were they going at it.

"What the hell is going on?" She turned her head to see John running out of the house, Monica and Tate behind him.

Maria licked her lips, worried Monica would find out what was going on. In her nervous state, she ushered Monica toward the door. "Take Tate inside, we got this under control."

Monica pressed her lips together, pulling Tate by his sleeve. "Come on. Everything's okay." She reassured her son.

When John grabbed Rip, he let Kayce fall to the floor and out of his grip. She watched as Rip made an attempt to blink the dirt out of his eyes, spitting a big blob of it out toward Kayce.

"Let that be a warning." He spat again, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"A warning for what?" John set his hands on his hips, waiting for an answer.

"Rip." Maria shook her head. "I'm marrying you. There's no reason for this."

"You're what?" Kayce stood up, setting his dirty hat on his head. "You can't marry him." He pointed at Rip, almost laughing in his face.

"Kayce." Maria sighed. "I don't love you." She said. "I'm sorry. But it's always been him." She looked at John, his eyebrows raised. "Always will."

Kayce began to angrily shake his head as if he couldn't accept it. "We were going to be parents."

"You are." They all whipped around, Monica stood with her arms crossed. "You are a parent."

"Monica." Kayce reached for her, taking a couple of steps in her direction. In response, she took a couple of steps away. "Baby." He said, his eyes pleading.

"It's never been me, huh?" Her eyes welded with tears. "You felt bad for me? Is that what it was?"

Maria slid her hands into her back pockets, watching as Kayce walked toward her. He reached for her, but she unfolded her arms in attempt to shake out of his grip. Tears ran down her face and Maria's heart broke, but Monica was strong, she proved it when she spun on her heel and walked away from Kayce. He chased after her, but she completely ignored him.

Maria huffed, reaching for Rip. "Baby." She tugged his wrist. "Come here." She reached for the rag in his back pocket, taking it to his face to wipe some of the dirt and grime off. "You didn't have to do that."

"He disrespected me." He looked at John. "I'm sorry, sir."

John shook his head. "What's this I hear you're getting married?" He continued to shake his head, reaching to embrace Maria. "Never mind." He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. "I'm so glad you're home."

She returned the hug, mumbling into his shirt. "I sold the ranch."

John parted. "What?"

"I sold the ranch." She said, yet again. "But I had to bring someone with me." A few feet away, stood a man he hadn't even noticed. He was leaning against the truck, his arms crossed. "This is Leo."

Caramel | Rip WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now