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Adam's POV

"Ya no I broke up with Cathy. Well. It was mutual. We both weren't in love anymore." I explained. They both looked at me with sad eyes. Max did the same but through the rearview mirror.

"Guys I'm OK. Both of us are. We've been talking about it for a while. But we're fine! It was mutual you guys. Honestly. It was probably for the best. But me and Cathy are still good friends. We just don't do the kissing and holding hands and all that other dating stuff." Jade perked up a bit. Seems like she was a fan of Cadam. Glad I could help her with realizing it was for the best.

When we get to the house, Jade walks straight to the piano.

"Hey Max! Can I play and sing you guys a song?" Jade asks with wide eyes.

Max smiles. "Sure Jade! I love your voice! Adam! Have you heard her sing? I don't think I showed you the video." Max asks me.

I shake my head. "Well I'm about to! Ha-ha!" I turn to walk up behind Jade. She smiles and tells me to sit down. I glad sit on their nice, soft loveseat. I wait to hear what Jade has to offer.

Jade's POV

'I wonder what I should sing..... Wait! I know!'

I turn to play Everything's Alright which is in the To the Moon soundtrack.

I look up into the mirror above the piano and I see Adam's face light up as he's remembered this song from the game. Renée's and Max's faces also light up.

Short steps
Deep breath
Everything is alright.
Chin up
I can't
Step into the spotlight.
She said
I'm sad
Somehow without any words.
I just
Stood there
Searching for an answer.

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see.
I'll ask you to fly away with me.
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky but I don't mind.
If your with me then Everything's Alright.

Why do
My words
Always lose their meaning.
What I feel
What I say
There's such a rift between them.
He said
I can't
Really seem to read you.
I just
stood there
Never know what I should do.

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see.
I'll ask you to fly away with me.
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky but I don't mind.
If your with me then Everything's Alright.

If your with me then Everything's Alright.

I end the song and I just see Adam's mouth open with shock as I looked into the mirror again.

Adam's POV

During the entire time she was playing and singing, my mouth was dropped. Max and Renée saw this and just giggled silently. She was amazing at singing. Why wasn't she discovered nobody knew.

'I need to get her a YouTube channel.' I thought to myself.

It's ComplicatedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang