Bye Mum

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Jades Pov

"Hey Max can you pretend like your Morgan Freeman coming to kill me?" My favorite YouTuber asks. He's playing The Hidden: Source with his good friends Max, Nick, Mark, and Renée. His name, is Seananners, otherwise known as Adam Montoya, a YouTube commentator and EXTREMELY attractive! He lives in San Diego, and loves cats! I only know this because of his vlogs. He has a girlfriend named Cathy Diep, who also has a YouTube channel called, Catabot.

Who am I? Oh, I'm Jade Noelle Williams, a blonde girl with green eyes (a/n this is sorta based off of me! The only difference is that I have brown hair with natural red and blonde highlights. OK on with the story! Plus I'm a teen). I'm 22 with a degree in music. I can play violin, cello, (pronounced Chello), somewhat piano, plus I can sing. Instead of working with music though, I feel like I love games more. I mean, I think that's what I want to do in my life.

I decided weeks ago that I would pack up in my humble abode and move to the USA. That's right. I'm not from America. I live in London, England. I hate to say this but after not getting an acting job with Doctor Who, I decided to leave and make my way with my best friend, Renée. That's right, again, the Renée you heard of at the beginning of the SeaNanners episode was the same as my best friend. Which ment, that she knows my crush and I could meet him.

Today I leave for San Diego, and I have to say goodbye to my mum. She's so upset that I'm leaving but I have to make my own way in the world.

"Are you sure you have everything sweetheart? And are you sure you want to leave? It'll be lonely here with you, I mean, now that your fathers gone." She said looking all teary eyed.

"Yes Mum. I have everything, plus I think its time for me to leave. I have to find my calling, the reason why I'm here." The clock strikes 1:00 PM. "I have to go! My plane leaves in an hour and a half. Bye mum!" I say as I grab my things and leave.

'Ah, a new life, a new me!'

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