Chapter-4: No One Knows What Will Happen in the future

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"This is wrong"

"No, I can't do this"


A few days before Ichinose started her High school

Ichinose was coming home with her mother after getting groceries from the shop when suddenly she saw some of her mother's friends who were taunting her.

"Look at her, she is the one who stole an expensive hair clip from the mall", One of them said mockingly and everyone else laughed

"Haven't you taught your daughter that stealing is bad?"

"If you wanted money, you would have asked us."

"I wonder why she wasn't given to the police." With this, they started laughing loudly.

Ichinose was looking down in shame as she and her mother walked away silently from there. They were on their way home when Ichinose cried to her mother and said,

"I'm sorry, Mom", tears streaming down her face

"It's okay, Honami," her mother replied, gently wiping away her tears.

"But those women over there, they kept taunting you and saying mean things about us."

"People will always have something to say. We just have to learn to ignore them and not let their words get to us."

"Never let their words get to you, Honami."

But Ichinose couldn't help feeling guilty and ashamed. She knew it was wrong to steal, but her sister had been so tempted by the beautiful pin. Now, she regretted her actions and was afraid of what others thought of her.

"Why did I do it, Oka-san?" Ichinose asked, her voice trembling. "I know it was wrong, but I just wanted to see my sister happy."

Her mother hugged her tightly and said, "Sometimes we make mistakes, but what's important is that we learn from them. You have a good heart, Honami, and I know you won't make the same mistake again."

Ichinose nodded, feeling a sense of relief and comfort from her mother's words. She knew she had to ignore the taunts and focus on being a better person. She also realized the importance of surrounding herself with people who would support and encourage her, rather than bring her down.

"Thank you, Mom," Ichinose said, wiping away her tears. "I promise I'll do better."

Her mother smiled proudly at her and said, "I know you will, my dear."

"Just remember that before doing anything unexpected, think about those who love and care about you."

"I will Oka-san" Her mother smiled at her and they both went to their home.

FLASHBACK END (present time)

Ichinose POV:

"I can't do this, how can I even think like this?" I dropped the knife but blood was still flowing from my wrist.

I felt dizzy but somehow I went to my washroom, picked up the medical box, and applied  dressing on my hand but it had left a deep scar on my wrist. I looked at myself in the mirror and started crying again. I fell on the floor of the washroom and started crying.

"I didn't know that loving someone who doesn't love you would have such huge consequences."

"But no", I refuse to let my tears flow anymore

"I have to stay strong for my class, for my friends and for all those who care about me" With that I changed into my night dress and went to sleep but I could not sleep.

~Tears of Unreciprocated Love💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora