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The path ahead appeared hazy, offering no clarity or direction. With the road deserted, Babe allowed his tears to flow unchecked. He shuffled along, letting his feet guide him aimlessly, seeking solace away from prying eyes. Disgust churned within him, overwhelming his senses.

A flood of memories inundated Babe's mind, dragging him back to the times when Way, once a close friend, was by his side. He recalled the laughter they shared, the secrets they confided, and the bond they believed would withstand anything. But now, those memories felt tainted, distorted by Way's betrayal and the realization that their friendship had been built on lies. As Babe trudged along the empty road, the weight of disillusionment settled heavily upon him, mingling with the tears that continued to stream down his cheeks.

Seeking solace in the desolate alley, Babe sank to the ground and curled up, pulling his knees close to his chest and burying his head between them. In the quiet solitude, he felt a gentle brush against his legs and looked up to see a small cat gazing back at him with curious eyes. A flicker of warmth stirred within him as he reached out to pet the furry creature. For a fleeting moment, amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, Babe found a brief respite.

"Hey!" a drunkard called out, causing Babe to look in his direction. "What are you doing here... wait... is that a cat? Oh... are you one of those people who aimlessly kill cats?" The man slurred approaching Babe, who didn't want to engage with anyone but found himself growing irritated by the stranger's intrusion.

"Just mind your own business and go on your way," Babe replied curtly, continuing to stroke the cat.

"Ah, I see. You're one of those brats," the man retorted.

"Well, listen here, kid. Since your parents didn't teach you how to speak to your elders, I'll show you how." He began rolling up his sleeves, preparing for a fight. Babe sighed and gently placed the cat on the ground before standing up.

"My parents...? I don't have those," he stated calmly as he approached the man. Seeing the determined and fierce look in Babe's eyes, the man hesitated and took a step back.

Feeling the tension in the air, the man realized he may have underestimated Babe. "I... uh... didn't mean any harm, kid. Just... watch yourself out here," he muttered, attempting to save face as he backed away slowly. Babe remained silent, watching the man retreat.

As Babe walked, clad only in a tank top, he spotted a pharmacy ahead that was still open, its lights beckoning in the darkness. With no money, no phone, and no idea of his current location, he knew he needed to find a solution. The beach house he used to live in with his Dad flashed into his mind-it was a haven he hadn't shared with Charlie yet. But to reach it, he needed resources.

Approaching the pharmacy, Babe hoped to find a solution to his predicament.

Babe, still hugging himself in an attempt to ward off the chill, approached the counter where the concerned lady stood. Her eyes softened as she observed his disheveled appearance.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice gentle and filled with genuine concern.

Babe took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "Hi... I... Can you..." He paused, struggling to find the right words. "Take your time," the lady reassured him, sensing his hesitation.

"No, I'm not okay," Babe admitted finally, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he acknowledged his distress. Recognizing the genuine concern in the lady's eyes, Babe decided to confide in her, knowing he needed help.

He began recounting the events of the past few hours.

The lady listened intently as Babe recounted the assault, her expression filled with empathy. As tears streamed down Babe's face, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, you're safe now," she reassured him softly.

Babe sniffled, trying to compose himself. "I-I feel so filthy and disgusted in myself," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," the lady replied, her tone sympathetic. "But we need to make sure you're okay. Can I ask what your secondary gender is?"

"I'm an alpha," he responded quietly.

"And the one who...?" the lady inquired not wanting to use the term 'friend'.

"He's an enigma," Babe replied, his voice trembling with anger.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, the lady explained the potential risks to Babe's health, emphasizing the importance of seeking medical assistance.

"What's done is done, there's no way I can go back to how I used to be." Babe said, trying to look as strong as possible.

The lady placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "I know, but you can take preventive measures from what might happen. The other party was an enigma and you are an alpha so there's high chances of pregnancy."

Babe already knew of that part because of what Tony had planned to do with the baby after they were born. But he was not ready for the unknown journey, he was forced to it.

With a nod, Babe consented to the suggested course of action. The lady wasted no time, initiating the necessary procedures by collecting blood samples and administering vital shots to help mitigate the potential risks.

After the procedure was completed and the lady reassured Babe that there was nothing to worry about, he suddenly remembered that he had arrived empty-handed. "I...uh, don't have any money right now, but I promise to pay you back," he stammered, hoping the lady would understand his predicament.

Seeing how distressed he was, the lady smiled kindly and reassured him, "There's no need for payment for this kind of thing."

Babe insisted, feeling guilty for not being able to compensate for the services. However, the lady firmly shook her head. "Please, don't worry about it," she said warmly.

But as if he wasn't already feeling bad enough about not being able to pay, he hesitantly asked, "Um, do you think you could lend me some cash? So that I can take a train back home..."

She nodded understandingly. "Of course, let me get that for you." She retrieved some money from the register and handed it to Babe, who accepted it with a grateful smile.

"Here take this too." She took the extra coat that she had and gave it to him. "You'll catch a cold." she added. Babe took it and thanked her before stepping out.

Looking back at the counter after Babe left, She remembered she forgot to tell Babe the most important piece of information.

The fact that Babe's secondary gender changed permanently.

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