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Approaching the abandoned beach house, the air hung heavy with an eerie stillness, as if the very walls of the dilapidated structure held their breath in anticipation. Alan's voice broke the silence as he voiced the question that lingered in all of their minds."Does anyone even live here?" he asked, his words echoing faintly against the weathered façade of the house.With a sense of trepidation, Charlie and Alan exchanged a glance before Charlie raised his hand to knock on the door. His knuckles rapped against the wood with a hollow echo, but there was no response, save for the mournful creak of the aging timbers.

The silence that followed was deafening, each passing moment stretching out into an eternity as they waited, straining to hear any sign of life from within the abandoned house. But the only reply was the distant cry of seagulls and the gentle lapping of waves against the shore.With a furrowed brow, Alan glanced at Charlie, uncertainty clouding his features.

"Should we try again?" he suggested, his voice tinged with doubt.Charlie nodded, his resolve unshaken despite the growing sense of unease that gnawed at him. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand once more and knocked on the door, the sound echoing through the stillness of the deserted beach. But once again, there was no answer-only the haunting silence of the abandoned House.

"Could this be the wrong location?" Alan asked as he walked around to try and see if he could look through the windows. Charlie took out his phone to contact Sonic to confirm that they were in the Right place, he dialed the number and was about to press the call button, when Alan let out a loud gasp. "Charlie..."

"What is it?" He asked while running to where he was. When he got to the window and looked through it, his eyes widened. There he was, curled up on the couch, a white sheet drapped around his body. Charlie could not wait anymore, he went and knocked on the door again while Alan remained by the window to see if Babe wakes up. He knocked for a couple of time but he did not budge.

They now became anxious. It was now clear to them that Babe wasn't just sleeping, he had passed out. So the only way to get to him was to break down the door. Which Alan did with no hesitation. Even after breaking the door, Babe still did not move. Charlie rushed towards him frantically.

"P'babe! P'Babe wake up!" He called as he shook his body but the only response he got from it was an arm falling lifeless on his side. Without hesitation, he lifted him up and they rushed to the car to take him to the hospital. The good thing was, he had a pulse but it was weak. So they had no time waste.

Alan quickly drove to the nearest hospital. They were spotted by the entrance trying to carry Babe so the nurses quickly brought a wheelchair to help them. They they quick took him to the E.R leaving Alan and Charlie to wait outside the room as they took over.

"I know he's going to be alright, it could be just exhaustion." Alan said trying to comfort Charlie who kept pacing around bitting his fingernails. He kept glancing at the room hoping to get feedback of what was going on in there. His eyes were red and his hair messy from how he kept running his hand through it. He kept blaming himself saying all of these was his fault, none of this would have happened if he had told Babe earlier that he knew who Tony's enigma was, all of this could have been avoided.

Just as he was about to sit down the doctor came out. They immediately rushed to him both hoping that Babe was Okay.

"How is he?" Charlie asked.

"For now he's stable. It's just the effects of the medicine he had taken"

"Do they make someone to pass out? " Alan asked.

"Well not really. That only happens when one does not get enough rest and if they don't eat. We found out that the patient did not have any food in his system."

Alan and Charlie looked at each other.

"Wait, you mentioned about medicine...what medicine, I don't think he was sick."

"Uh actually about that. May I know your relationship with the patient?" The doctor asked Charlie.

"I'm his boyfriend."

"Well then could you follow me to my office, This cannot be discussed here." He said and Charlie nodded following him. Alan waited outside Babe's room.


"Can I please know your secondary gender." The doctor asked.

"I'm an alpha." The doctor furrowed his eyebrows at that.

"We found something rather, unusual as we checked him. Did you perhaps engage in anything sexual recently?" Charlie knew exactly where this was going so he decided to tell the doctor everything that had happened.

"Then that explains it all. He had already taken the medicine that prevents anything that comes with that. That includes pregnancy." He explained.

"So he won't get pregnant.?"

"Yes. But since the womb had already started forming, he remains as a carrier or in simpler terms, he becomes permanently an omega. So pregnancy in the future is possible." The doctor explains and Charlie remains speechless not sure what to say or what to ask.

"For today we'll let him stay in as he watch how it goes."

"Okay" Charlie says. The doctor dismisses him allowing him to go and see the patient.

"Everything is okay right? "Alan asked spotting Charlie walking towards him but it's like the other did not hear him.

"Charlie." He called and the latter finally looked at him.

"Is everything Okay?"

" Oh, Yes he just needs to rest and eat." He said not wanting to reveal that Babe was no longer an alpha. Knowing Babe, he knows that the latter wouldn't want anyone to know that he was no longer the strong and powerful guy that he was. He cared so much about his image more than anything.

The only thing that worried charlie is how he's going to react when he finds out that he's is permanently an Omega. Will he accept it?

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