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                    BACK IN HER AP english class, she was given the hour to work on her essay

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BACK IN HER AP english class, she was given the hour to work on her essay. you weren't expected to finish, or even start so long as you'd get it done at home, so you were allowed to partner up and brainstorm. of course carrie came running over, the two pairing up in the back corner, pretending to be researching ideas while they scrolled through their socials.

"hey, you never called me last night after that voice message," carrie frowned, slumping back against the chair lazily to look up at the girl, "i was excited to bad mouth tommy, what happened?"

the girl laughed, "sorry, i fell asleep."

"you sure?" she raised a brow, folding her arms over her chest with narrowed eyes, "because this morning when we pulled up to your driveway, i'm pretty sure i saw a guy through your window. you sure you didn't get a little, distracted?"

kitty face dropped, staring blankly at her best friends as her mind began racing. saw a guy through her window, a guy through her window. the only guy in her window this morning was luke, but there was no way she could see him, right? surely not, there was no way.

she thought back to everything that happened that morning, any reason why he could have been visible, and that was when it struck her. the warmth, the sudden burst of energy flowing through her, the slight glow on her tan skin.

holy shit, she made them visible.

no way, no way in hell that was a thing, it couldn't be.

up until last night she'd never even seen a ghost before, let alone touched one, so this must have been a fluke. carrie must have been imagining something, she had no proof so there was no point working herself up about it now.

the girl took a deep breath and smiled, "nope, must have been my dad when i was saying goodbye this morning, you know how he is."

carrie laughed, "yeah, checks out, i love ray."

thank god she was gullible.

they continued with their work and dropped the subject, much to kittys relief, but soon enough the hour was over and she had to head to her next class. she had music but instead of gathering in mrs harrison's room, a certain few were allowed to venture to some of the other rooms to practice their instruments for the next showcase , which she was of course forced into by her blessed teacher.

she pretended to be reluctant so nobody thought she was eager, but she actually loved performing. her favourite place in the world was up on stage, but for a boring teacher-led school performance? she had to tone it down a little.

so it was just her and tommy in one of the other rooms, playing separately. the girl hogged the piano while he began playing bass in the corner, making her smile at how terrible he was compared to reggie. admittedly after finding out they were in a band, kitty had done her research on the boys and even listened to a few of their songs.

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