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                    KITTY HAD GIVEN up with trying to figure out boys for the moment, and decided she was instead just going to fall asleep

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KITTY HAD GIVEN up with trying to figure out boys for the moment, and decided she was instead just going to fall asleep. though she awoke the next morning, her window still open from the night before, to julie's voice echoing loudly through the house. she smiled at first, not realising who it was, before her eyes widened at the epiphany.

holy shit, she thought, julie's singing again.

this was the most shocking thing to have happened all year, sitting up quickly to make sure she wasn't dreaming. from the corner of her eyes, she could see carlos standing below her window smiling at the studio, leant up against the railing. kitty laughed a little and stood up, walking to the window so he could see her,

"mijo!" she whispered loudly, grinning down at him

carlos whipped his head up, a huge grin on his face, "she's really singing, can you believe this?"

the girl nodded and laughed a little, blowing her brother a kiss before closing her window so she could get ready for school. julie finally getting over her fear was not on her bingo card for this week, but she couldn't be happier about it. finally, the thing the two bonded over the most was back, and they could go back to being best friends again.

though their relationship was not julie's first priority, as she didn't think that was at all important compared to the new boys in her life. as far as she knew, kitty didn't like the boys or even know who they were, and she was pretty happy to finally have something to herself for once.

although that wasn't the case at all.

that morning while kitty was rushing to get ready for school, carrie's dad coming to pick her up in fifteen minutes, she had some visitors. as she was braiding her hair, the familiar poof filled her bedroom as the three landed on her bed, grinning at her widely.

"ah, i see someone let you stay," she raised a brow, staring at them through her vanity mirror, "is it weird to say that i'm glad?"

alex smiled and shook his head, reggie slumping back pridefully onto her pillows but luke began looking around the room as if he was searching for something. she watched him amusedly as he poked around until his eyes caught the acoustic guitar in the corner, pointing at it dramatically.

"ah hah! i knew you had something!" he snidely yelled, proud of himself, "first julie lied, now you lied!"

she frowned and gave him a strange look, "i never lied, i never denied playing. i'm pretty proud of my music ability if you must know, i just didn't think i needed to tell you weirdos."

"why the hell not? you knew we're in a band, i showed you last night, the first thing you're supposed to tell a musician is that you're also a musician!" he shook his head incredulously, bending down so his head was by her shoulder as he looked at her in the mirror, "you gotta let us hear you play."

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