Chapter 5: Felato

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POV Sapphire

I've been out in the ocean for God knows how long. It might look beautiful and stuff but seeing the same stuff over and over again gets boring.

But at least this time gave me an opportunity to get used to my fishtail! It's weird but fun.
I've been out in the ocean for God knows how long and I can't seem to find an island. Navigating through the Grand Line without a log pose is nearly impossible.

But where would I even get one if I can't even find an island? I just have to keep swimming until I eventually find something.

[Time skip a few hours later]

The whole swimming for hours on end is really taking a toll on me. I'm starting to feel extremely tired and hungry. I can't even keep my eyes open properly.

I can feel my body practically shutting down.
No! Please! I need to keep going....
I... need to......stay........awake.......

POV Author

Sapphire is unconscious floating in the wide, blue ocean. Exhaustion and hunger had worn her out completely. Her body was then taken away by an ocean currant taking her far, far away from the grand line all the way to an island in the east blue.

POV Unknown

"the weather is as good as ever. Man this is perfect for my fishing trip!"
I went down to the docks to my little fisher boat when I saw something in the corner of my eye.

"huh what's that?"
A few meters away is something laying on the shore.
'what is that? Is that..... Pink?'

I squint my eyes trying to see what it is and...
"i-is that a... Person?!"

I jump off of the docks and run up to them.
As I arrived I kneeled down and checked if they were alive.
"Hey! Are you OK?" i try to shake them awake but to no avail.

Just then I noticed something odd. 'A fishtail? Could it be a mermaid?!'
I turn their body onto their back to look for injuries of sorts and see their face.

"It's a little girl? What happened to her? She has so many scars on her body. That poor thing. I better get her back to the village!"

I pick her up with ease 'she's so light.'
My concern only grows and I speed off to the village with her in my arms.

[Timeskip to I don't know a few weeks later]
POV Sapphire

I wake up after what felt like a very long sleep. My eyes are heavy but I still force them open. A wooden ceiling is the first thing I see. ' Where is this? I'm not in the ocean anymore? D-did I get captured again?!' my heart hammers against my chest in a rapid speed and i can seem to breathe properly. 'please no! I just got away! I don't want to feel pain anymore! I don't want to life like a slave. I want to be free!'

I struggle to sit up. I just want to run. Run away. As far as possible. Away from pain. Away from suffering. Away from the celestial dragons.
I claw against my chest trying to breathe but I can can't. It's so hard.
' i don't want to die. ' tears fall down my face.

Then suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. My fighting or flight instincts automatically turned on and I jump away scurrying back until my body is pressed firmly against the headboard of the bed I was previously sleeping in. Looking at the person in front of me I see an old lady. She is small with chubby features, has short, curly, gray hair and some small, round reading glasses placed right on top of her nose. She has a concerned expression while looking at me.

"Oh you poor thing I'm sorry I scared you, dear. Here let me make you a nice tea and then we'll talk about what happened to you. Okay?"
Her voice is soft and loving, like she is talking to her grandchildren. I don't know how to discribe it but I feel safe.

Not wanting that feeling of safety to go I wait for the old lady to come back. And just as promised she came back with a cup of warm tea. "there you go dear. But be careful with that it's still a bit hot." she hands me the cup and I look at it. Feeling the steam hitting my face I smell vanilla and honey. 'so warm and it smells so welcoming'. I take a small sip and burn my tongue slightly but it doesn't really bother me that much. Drinking this tea is like liquid gold. Feeling it travel down my dry throat and into my stomach is one of the best feelings I had felt in years.

I can't help but let out a little smile. "th- thank you.." my voice is hoarse. The lady smiles "No need to thank me dear. I'm just happy you're okay. I was so shocked to see our fisherman bring back a badly injured young lady into our little village. I was really worried I thought you wouldn't wake up again."

"i got b-brought here? And sleep... H-how long was I s-sleeping?" i ask her.
"Oh dear, don't over work yourself your still very weak. And you have been sleeping for 2 weeks now." that surprises me "2 Weeks!?" 'but shouldn't I be dead at this point? I was practically in a coma. And from what I can tell I wasn't hooked up onto any life sustaining medical equipment. So how? Has it something to do with my devil fruit powers? Or was that just anime logic?
But now that I think about it didn't I turn into a mermaid? Where is my tail? Did I turn back during my coma? '
A million more questions fill up my head. But right now the most important thing is.
*grumble *

My cheeks turn red in embarrassment and I look over to the lady that has a warm smile placed on her face. "Oh how could I forget! You poor things must be starving. Don't worry I'll fix you up a nice filling meal to get you back up on your feet, dearie." and with that she leaves the room again.

'and now I'm alone again. But I seem ti be safe here. She was so nice. And I don't even know her name.' i lay back down. And just stare at the ceiling.

[Timeskip an hour later]

The door opens after a while again and in comes the nice old lady with a tray full of food. My tummy automatically grows and I practically inhale the food as soon as It was set in front of me. I eat like I have never eaten before.

"slowly dear. The food won't run away from you. Take your time we don't want you to choke." her words make me slow my eating speed. Straightening my back I continue to eat in a more calm and proper manner. I have a hard time using the utensils, because I haven't used any in the past years but I quickly get the hang of it again.

" very good. Now eat as much as you want and get some rest after. You need all the strength you can get. Will talk some more tomorrow, okay?"
I just nod at her suggestion and finish eating. I give her the now empty tray back and she exists the room but not before wishing me a good night.

And with a now satisfied hunger I let sleep consume me.
There we go! We have now made contact with some other people. I'm kinda excited! - 3-
And I also have been working on a Bnha story but I'm still writing and I'm not sure if I'm publishing it. But it could be a possibility! °×°

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