"Don't wait up for me tonight. We're dealing with rain right now and we have to play at some point."

"I don't have work tomorrow. But I probably won't stay up."

"Get some rest."

I hit the enter button a few times to move on to my next chart, "Are you busy?"

"Not really. I've been charting for a couple of hours. I don't have the energy to deal with people today."

"That's okay. I'd rather you take it easy."

"I know. She keeps pushing herself further down and giving me false contractions. So that's been fun. But she's moving so I'm not too mad about it."

"A lot of movement?"

"Yeah, plenty. I think I want to make another appointment to see if anything has changed. It just keeps me up too long at night."

"Do it. We could always use some reassurance."

"I agree."

"When is Bridget's last day?"

"Next week. She thinks I'm crazy but I'd rather be here if you're gone."

"I know."

"I can't wait until you're home."

"I know. Hopefully, we can play and get out of here quickly. I wasn't trying to get back at midnight. I'll let you go. We're going to start getting warmed up again. Hopefully, the rain holds off."

"Okay. Have fun. I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too. Take it easy and get some rest."

"I will."

Christian keeps his hand on my rock-hard stomach as I experience yet another Braxton-hick contraction. They started when I was in the shower and continued after I got out.

"Can you get me clothes?"

These contractions don't last long but they hurt enough. This is my fourth one since getting in the shower 30 minutes ago.

"Are you sure this isn't labor?"



"Yes, I'm sure. She's too early. I'm not having her today when she still has five weeks left."

"I don't think you get to choose that."

I let myself rest. "What if we went in, got you checked out, and made sure everything was okay? Maybe your water broke while you were in the shower."

"I think I would know if my water broke. But, yes, we can go, just to be safe."

He helps me get into the pair of sweatpants he picked out. I roll the band and keep it under my belly. "Christian, I'm not mentally ready to have her just yet."

"Were you ever going to be ready?"

"Probably not. She's too little right now."

"I know but you freaking out right now isn't going to help you or her right now."

He's right. I can't freak out right now. It won't help anybody. I'm probably not in labor but for my sanity, I need to get checked out. 

Christian held his hand on my hip as I lay on my side facing him. I was right, I wasn't in labor. But she keeps pushing herself further down which triggers false contractions. They don't hurt, they're just uncomfortable.

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