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Slowly blinking her eyes open, she found herself enveloped in the warmth of her bed, the soft sheets cocooning her in a comforting embrace. The events of the previous night danced at the edges of her consciousness, and a smile tugged at her lips as she remembered the intensity of their shared passion.

Turning her head, she was met with the sight of Boothill lying beside her, his features softened by the morning light. The way his chest rose and fell with each steady breath, the tousled strands of hair that framed his face – it all made her heart skip a beat. Did she really just spend the night with this guy? And how did they end up in her room?

With a gentle touch, she reached out to trace the line of his jaw, her fingertips lingering against his stubbled skin. In that moment, as she watched him sleep, she felt a rush of affection swell within her – a feeling so pure and profound, it took her breath away.

As Boothill began to stir, his eyes fluttering open to meet hers, she where is felt a surge of warmth wash over her. His voice was a husky whisper, his gaze locking with hers as he stirred from his slumber.

She smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "Morning..."

"Good morning, darlin'." His lips curved into a lazy smile as he reached out to pull her closer, his arms wrapping around her in a gentle embrace.

They lay there for a moment, basking in the warmth of each other's presence, until Boothill broke the silence. "Last night..." he began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words. "We... yikes."

"I never want it to end," Boothill confessed, his gaze filled with a mixture of longing and desire. "I want to be with you."

"Me too," she whispered, her fingers intertwining with his as she leaned in to press a tender kiss to his lips. "How did this happen...?"

He pulled her closer to him by the wrists. "I don't want it to stop..."

As Boothill pulled her closer, a surge of heat rushed through their veins, igniting a fire that burned with undeniable intensity. Their lips met in a searing kiss, hungry and desperate, as they surrendered to the electric current coursing between them.

His hands roamed over her body, tracing every curve and contour with a reverence that left her breathless. His hands wondered to the curve of her hip dips. She arched into his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips as he explored every inch of her with a possessive hunger. "I'm the one for you."

"Nobody else, princess." With a primal growl, Boothill rolled her onto her back, his body pressing against hers in a heated embrace. Their movements were frantic and urgent, fueled by a passion that refused to be tamed. "I'll make you feel like nobody else." His knee snuck between her legs, pushing upwards ever so slightly.

She inhaled sharply, but their moment of heat was quickly interrupted by... someone.

"You're highness, it's Adelaine—"

"Well this ain't promisin' eh?" With lightning speed, he darted beneath the bed sheets, yanking the covers up and over himself just as Adelaine's eyes swept across the room. He held his breath, heart pounding in his chest, as he listened to the sound of her footsteps drawing closer.

Adelaine paused in the doorway, her brow furrowing in confusion as she glanced around the room. "Is everything alright, Your Highness?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

She forced a smile, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she nodded. "Yes, everything's fine, Adelaine," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just... um, getting ready for the day."

"Say, did you dance with the young man your parents wish for you to be wish? He's very charming, y/n..."

Under the sheets, he was busy gripping her thigh, his touch filled with jealousy at the mention of that other guy.

"I'm not interested." She bit her lip to prevent a reaction from being provoked.

Adelaine nodded, albeit hesitantly, before offering her a small smile. "I understand, Your Highness," she said, "But you know how your dad must be."

"Goodbye for today, dear. Let me know if there's anything you need."

As the door closed behind her, Boothill let out a sigh of relief, the tension draining from his body as he emerged from beneath the covers. He flashed her sheepish grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he realized just how close they had come to being caught.

She couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation, her heart lightened by the knowledge that they had narrowly escaped discovery. And as they shared a knowing glance, they both knew that their love was worth any risk, any sacrifice, that may come their way. "Well that was close." He pulled her closer, kissing her neck briefly.

A sudden thought seemed to strike Adelaine, and she hesitated in the doorway. "Your Highness," she began, her voice soft but determined, "there was something I forgot to mention..."

Before she could finish her sentence, however, her eyes widened in shock as she caught sight of him emerging from beneath the covers. Her mouth fell open in disbelief, and for a moment, she was frozen in place, unable to tear her gaze away from the scandalous scene before her. "Oh heavens..."

Boothill and her exchanged panicked looks, their hearts pounding in their chests as they scrambled to cover themselves. "Well yowza, this ain't good, huh darlin'?" He chuckled to himself.

"I'm... ever so sorry for interrupting, your highness..."

But it was too late. With a strangled gasp, Adelaine turned on her heel and fled from the room, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she made her escape.

Boothill and her were left alone once more, their cheeks burning with embarrassment as they realized the gravity of the situation they now found themselves in. "This really ain't good...!"

"I'm so fucked, I'm... so fucked." She stood up in panic.

"Aye, princess... ya shirt..."

The straps of her shirt had slipped slightly. Slipped? No, he'd pulled them down before. He chuckled a little. "Sorry..."

"You do realise this is bad for you? You're just as fucked as I am!"

"Ya think I care? I reckon it's about time I come clean, darlin'," he murmured, his voice tinged with emotion. "I love ya, Princess. Ain't no denying it no more. It might be too soon or whateva, but you've got me stutterin' and stumblin'..."

"Boothill, this is crazy! Absurd."

Boothill approached her from behind, his presence sending a thrill through her body as he wrapped his strong arm around her waist, pulling her close against his chest. With a low, growl, he pressed his lips to the sensitive skin of her neck, trailing kisses along its curve with a hunger that left her breathless. "This is wild, darlin'," he whispered against her skin, his voice sending shivers down her spine, "but I ain't about to let you go. We're in this together, no matter what." As his words washed over her, she felt a surge of desire course through her vein. She shuddered under his touch.

"What's the matter, can't keep yourself still?"

"Sh-shut it, I'm fine!"

Boothill's grip tightened around her waist, pulling her even closer to him as he deepened the kiss on her neck. With a low, throaty murmur, he murmured against her skin, "I ain't lettin' go of you, darlin'. Not now, not ever." His words were filled with a primal possessiveness that sent a jolt of heat straight to her head.

As Boothill held her close, she could feel the undeniable hardness of his desire pressing against her back, sending a rush of heat coursing through her veins. Her breath hitched as she felt his arousal, a silent affirmation of the intensity of their connection. "Say..."

With a slight gasp, she leaned back into him, allowing herself to fully embrace the intoxicating sensation of his desire against her skin. In that moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation, only the raw, primal need that bound them together.

"I want you again..."

"This isn't gonna bode well for me..."

yay! :D

I hope Ur all Doing okay (im not)

Guys if u want sm insane gossip hmu on insta @sjcelntual I got loads of drama

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