35. Cast Out Birthday Party

Start from the beginning

"Cheer up sweetie it's only for a day and then we can get away for the next month promise" said a half dress Abraxas his hair was still wet from his shower

"I love you and everything but dry your hair" said Errikos as he summoned a towel to dry his hair making the submissive Veela purr at the touch

"Awe having cuddle time without me?" asked Orion smiling

"No this one our cute little mate refuses to dry his hair unless I do it"

"It curls slightly if you do it!" whined Abraxas making both smile at him

"Ok ok come here you minx and then afterwards get dressed it seems like we are all matching, we are in white and the youngest as well and Lucius at 12 is wearing different he said he wouldn't match his brothers and I won't make him he's his own person"

Soon all 8 were ready and had headed downstairs to wait for the guest well Errikos did as Abraxas and Orion took the boys with them but Regulus gripped Errikos and looked up at him 

"Papa I stay" said Regulus to him as he held his hand hiding slightly behind him

"Ok Reggie you can we have to greet the guests ok, can you help me with that?"

"Yeah I can imma good helper"

"That you are my Little Star"

Soon everyone was coming in either in pairs or as a family unit which was fine for Errikos, Regulus was a little shy but greeted everyone when they said hello to him it was a nice and relaxing time as everyone came and joined in with the festivities which was calming

It was as Minister Nobby Leech came into the ball room and started chatting with the others there that everyone stopped and looked up, everyone was shocked at what they saw

Albus was standing there smiling his blue eyes sparkling over his half moon glasses, his beard tied up in a Gryffindor ribbon and on his arm was one Wulberga No-Name... yes it looks like they had gate crashed the ball for some reason

"Why is mother here? father why is she here? papa? dad?" asked Sirius as Abraxas and Orion shielded the younger boys as everyone mother and a few fathers shielded their own children they had heard what had happened to Wulberga and most thought she deserved it, children were a gift from Lady Magic Hecate herself and what she did was disgusting

"Now now lets get so hostile we're here to celebrate a birthday I hear" said Albus bringing Wulberga into the room with him, he was dressed in a splatter work robe of all different colours on the robes had white and black birthday balloons floating around, Wulberga on the other hand was dressed in a dark almost black dress that didn't suit or flatter her at all  

"Get out!" said Errikos to them not knowing why they were there as he knew for a fact that he didn't invite them to this ball/ birthday party

"Now now my boy we are here to celebrate are we not? we did get an invite after all" said Albus to them

"Oh hell no you didn't... TIT TAT the  list of invites" a pop was heard and a roll of parchment appeared and he started to list off names nodding to each person as he went

"You and that thing need to leave and fast!" his eyes glowed as a barrier was cast around the hall protecting everyone

"Oh why my dear boy?"

"You aren't and will never be invited to anything that I do for one she is a No-Name and you have yet again piggy backed off someone and most likely over heard the Minister discussing this very event and wormed your way into this event get out before the wards cast you out"

"How dear you!" she looked around and spotted Orion and Arcturus as well as her children

"Come home right now all of you!" she screeched making everyone over their ears this just reminded Errikos of Molly when she was an adult and would screech at her children and husband, he loved her like a mother some what as he didn't know a mother's love but still

"Get out of my home!"

"Orion, Sirius, Regulus we are leaving come along, NOW" shouted Wulberga to them

"Now now my dear we are here to celebrate a birthday here" he tried to go further into the room but the ward pushed them back and soon out of the Mansion as a whole Errikos waved his hand in such a random wave people thought he was nuts until they felt the wards settle

"They won't be allowed back again" said Errikos to everyone

"Let's hope they won't be" said Abraxas as he looked over at Orion and the children

"Oh they won't be trust me if they try they will be hexed in a spell only I know" he smirked

"Oh they won't be trust me if they try they will be hexed in a spell only I know" he smirked

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Lucius' outfit

The other boys outfit

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The other boys outfit

The other boys outfit

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