32. Dinner Talk

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Tit and Tat woke up the 5 boys and changed Regulus' clothes due to an accident but it was fine and they refreshed the other 4 boys and them downstairs and into the dining room the other 3 boys were shocked at the grandeur of it all it looked much more expensive than their own homes

"Boys please sit down for dinner, tonight we are having something light due to the stress of the day I think some soup and sandwiches will be best and I know Tat's homemade chicken soup and Tit's beef salad sandwiches will hit the spot for us adults and for the children I heard that they went creative with Niffler chicken nuggets and Pygmy Puff potatoes to go with it all" said Errikos from the head of the table, Abraxas was on his left and Orion on his right like it should be due to being mates

The sub was always on the left of the dom it has been that was for hundreds of years, Sirius looked at them and tilted his head ever so slightly but before he could say anything Orion put his finger to his lips to quiet him and not to say anything

The boys spread out on the table but close to their father's the children chatted happily about what they had done in the playroom even cleaning it Orion was surprised knowing his boys hated cleaning up

"Little Snake don't worry until all children help out in the playroom they can't leave to honest the twins learnt very quickly with it and the others will as well but the wards never went off meaning that they had cleaned up completely together before they could leave"

"Oh.... ok I just know they hate cleaning that's all they normally got Kreature to clean up"

"Well that won't help here Tit and Tat have other things to do than clean up a mess the boys did unless its due to something else like breaking something or hurting themselves and need medical attention then they will do it as I sort everything out"

"Good idea on that Errikos" said Abraxas quietly to him still slightly blushing as he had slept for about 2 hours himself and on his lap

"Oh my Colt it's ok" Errikos rubbed his head making Abraxas blush more

"Daddy are you ok you're all red? are you ill?" asked Lucius making the other's look at Abraxas who hid his face in his hands, soon dinner came

"Boys listen I want at least half to be eaten no less when the plate lights up that means you've eaten what is required but you can eat more if you want" said Errikos watching his twins eat away they had a salad on their plate Len was picking out the tomatoes

"Galen I want 3 slices of tomatoes eaten please and Kamari I want the same amount of cucumber gone as well" both groaned they hated the two but they knew if they didn't their plate wouldn't light up

"You force them to eat it?" asked Abraxas

"Not forced I get them to eat the bare minimum of their dislikes but afterwards let it go it just means that in their eyes they've tried it, yes they hate them but they still need to eat it I hate beans and cheese but I still eat it it shows them even if I hate it I at least try to eat what I don't like"

"Good way to do it I hate pears and surprisingly carrots" blushed Orion admitting his dislikes

"I'm not picky to be honest" said Abraxas

"Boys what do you dislike? I know Len and Kam don't like tomatoes and onion" asked Errikos

Sirius smiled at them after he had picked the pepper's out of his salad "them"

"I don't like blueberries they're either to sweet or sour" said Lucius

"I wike cake!" cheered Regulus making everyone laugh

"Well I'll have to wait and see what Reggie likes and dislikes then" smiled Errikos to them

"Um...." Sirius looked up to him

"Yes go on Sirius"

"Why do we all feel really safe here, I felt kinda safe at Grimmuld Place but here I feel like I came home"

"I feel the same as well" said Lucius while Regulus was playing with his Niffler nuggets bored of the talk

"What do you know of mate?" he asked not realising that the boys would know

"Um... I remember reading about there being three types..." started Lucius

"...yeah they are Dominate, Submissive and... and... what was it now..." stated Sirius but he couldn't remember

"It was the switch... meaning that they go from dominate to the submissive and is submissive to the top dominate" said Len making the adults all look at them in shock

"...Well boys that right" said Abraxas as he stopped Regulus from further playing with his food

"Who's what though?" asked Kam looking innocent

"Isn't it to do with what creature they are?" thought Len

"Yes Len it is can you guess what papa is?"

"Um..." he hissed in Parseltongue and Errikos hissed back

"I didn't swear! DRAGON! papa is a dragon and top!" cheered Len understanding

"That's right my little Healer you are" he smiled at his son

"Um... daddy is a Veela I know that as all Malfoy's are"

"You son are correct" laughed Abraxas to his son who was hyperactive for some reason perhaps having 4 brothers will help him more than he cared to admit

"I have no clue about daddy" said Sirius as he help Regulus drink

"Don't worry son I'll tell you we of the Black family are named after the stars for a reason and that is due to our creatures we are Dark Elves... all elves are named after stars in different languages we happen to use the Latin names that's all"

"Wow so many creatures will we be one as well" asked Kam looking up at his father

"You might"

"All gone daddy" said Regulus as he got down and climbed onto Orion's lap for a cuddle his father looked to see how much he ate he normally didn't eat much due to Wulberga standing over him and criticising him

"He ate the lot!" he was shocked no wonder he was tired now he ate a complete full meal!

Soon everyone was finished and headed into the living room to relax for the evening Sirius was drawing away, Kam was re-reading his beginners potion book and Len his beginners DADA book Errikos didn't care what his children read as long as they read, Lucius was learning about chess from Orion who had a dozing Regulus on his lap

Abraxas took this time the quiet he loved to cuddle Errikos mewing slightly as he ran his hand through Abraxas' hair smiling

"I count this as a win my dear Colt, we will be fine this will work and me being a dragon I will protect each and everyone one of you no one will get hurt on my watch" he kissed his head smiling when he saw the blush on his subs face

Raising SnakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora