Ethan just stayed silent...I mean he didn't even do anything to apologize for in the first place.

"Don't worry about it. It hurts a little bit, But i'm all better now." Felix smiled, While Athanasia looked at Felix with doubt.

'Don't lie! Like it hurts at all when I hit you! I was the one who fell over!' Athanasia grumbled, How can this guy say that it was hurting a bit?! Athanasia was the one who literally bounced back and fell over.

Felix looked up as he suddenly started talking again.

"To be honest, I too at an early age although not as early as you princess and Prince, Lost my mother." As Felix started talking Athanasia went quiet. Ethan was quiet from the start, He was just listening to these two yap so much.

"My mother was his majesty's Nanny. In fact, Both his majesty and I were breastfeed by my mother." Ethan listened to Felix as he put his hands behind his back and laid more comfortably.

'Oh so That's why Claude's so Lenient with Felix.' Athanasia thought as she just continued to listen to Felix telling his story.

"When I was young, To be honest, I was always a little angry with my mother. She always spent more time with his majesty than she did with me." Felix looked up, remembering the memories of his mother.

"So when my mother passed away, At first I would even say that I didn't miss her at all. And to be honest, I've never really missed my mother." Ethan let out a sigh, Was Felix now just venting out to these 6 and 5 year old kids?

'Damn...Have I become a therapist now?' Ethan rolled around as he sighed... Listening to the story was kind of exhausting but he still wanted to listen to it till the end.

"When she was alive, I spent very little time with her and because of that I never really felt her absence. But one day, very much by chance. The embroidery on the handkerchief that I always carry around." Felix suddenly paused as he took a deep breath.

"What I meant to say is...My mother had personally embroidered my name on this handkerchief, And one day, I was suddenly fixated on it." Felix smiled as he looked down at the ground, Athanasia touched Claude's hair and started playing with it while silently listening to Felix's venting.

"And to my disbelief, I was even crying. The mother I had resented so much up to then...The person I thought as simply an image was actually someone I truly missed."

"..." Athanasia kept quiet, What was she supposed to say at this moment? Nothing, She just needed to stay quiet and listen to Felix. And so Ethan did so too.

"Even though we didn't have many memories together, she was still my one and only mother." Athanasia released Claude's hair as she pursed her lips forward.

'Is it okay for me to hear such a story..? Mother...Mother...The concept is foreign to me...I was an orphan in my previous life. But...' Athanasia looked down at her hands as she Wondered what it felt like to have a mother, A loving mother.


'If I really was Athanasia...Not even knowing my mother's face. To grow up, treated unkindly and abandoned in the ruby Palace, To have finally met the father she yearned for...If i was that princess...' Athanasia peeked at her brother, She Wondered what Ethan was feeling.

'Wasn't he abandoned by Claude too..? From what I know his situation was worse than mine.." Athanasia slightly shuddered, how could a small kid like that survive after that? Athanasia admired Ethan for that.

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