He raised a finger at Hiba because pointing at his daughter-in-law and Unaiza didn't seem right to him. "Next time, I don't want to hear about him from any of you. When he considers all of us nothing and does not care for his mother and me then why are you guys becoming happy in his selfish so-called achievements? Let him do what he wants but he will not be discussed among us. I hope you all can give me a small respect as a father."

Hiba bit her lower lip. "Sorry, Dad but..."

Ishmal clasped her hand before she could say anything further. Tashfeen left in the same emotional upheaval for his room. Little did he know that today Huzaifa had full plans to boil his blood more. 

"Dad is getting unreasonable. What Bhai is doing isn't something bad. His accomplishment is in front of our eyes and that's all his hard work. Dad shouldn't have been so harsh," Hiba complained as she again sat on the couch while a sigh left her mouth seeing the black screen.

"Don't say this in front of Tashfeen Papa, Hiba. He will get more furious. Let's just hope that Huzaifa will be able to appease him," Unaiza told her, as she tried hard to swallow back her tears.

Ishmal nodded. "Hope so." She placed a hand over Hiba's shoulder while glancing at both her and Unaiza alternatively. "You guys should not worry. Everything will be fine. Haider and Ammi will surely find a way out. Haider will not let this coldness to grow more."

Hiba responded to her with a smile but Unaiza was quiet. Ishmal turned towards her. She was very sensitive and hence perhaps took all this to her heart as she considered all of them very dear to her heart.

"Unaiza, the red velvet cake you were baking, wouldn't be done by now?" She called her to divert her attention.

Unaiza first kept on looking at her blankly before the reality hit her. She put a hand over her forehead. "Oh yes, I forgot."

"I will also come with you," Ishmal said as she watched her rushing towards the kitchen.

But as Unaiza took out the delicious cake, she wished that Huzaifa would be there too.


"Huzaifa, dear. He will---"

As soon as Tashfeen entered the room, he heard Aqia's voice. It would not be more obvious than this to know who she was talking to. And it caused his already burning nerves to become ashen black. He still couldn't keep the image of him acting so lovey-dovey with that girl on the television. And then when he grabbed her hand was the end point of this. He couldn't even imagine what people would ask him about his son when he would go out of the house.

"Who are you talking to? That ungrateful brat?" Aqia was cut in the middle when Tashfeen arrived abruptly and inquired about this.

Huzaifa became all ears while Aqia barely managed to protect the mobile which was about to slip away from her hand due to anxiety. Huzaifa exhaled in exasperation.

"Tashfeen, that...yes, it's Huzaifa. He is our son. Don't hate him like this. Listen to him calmly. He will ask for forgiveness and just do what you will say. I...I talked to him. He will not go against you this time. Let him come back to us. I will not be able to live without him." Aqia became emotional.

Huzaifa's eyebrows shot up as he heard his mother say this. When did he say that he would apologize?

"What are you saying, Mom? I will never go an inch back from my passion. You and Mr. Tashfeen should know this. If he accepts me with my profession, then I can think about coming back just for you," Huzaifa let out, sternly.

Ironically, Aqia's palm got nudged on the screen as Tashfeen barged into the room unannounced, and now Huzaifa was on speaker. Tashfeen heard everything he said and he scowled at the phone and then his wife.

"Look at this rascal," he snarled, pulling out his right hand in the air. "Calling his father by his name. Such a nausiene he is."

Huzaifa twisted his facial expressions as he heard his father in the background. He threw his last shirt in the laundry basket before again focusing on the call.

"I didn't take your name alone," he confided, proudly.

"Are you seeing him, Aqia?" He lashed out at his wife.

Aqia closed her eyes in irritation as she again put the speaker off. "Huzaifa, stop this."

"I didn't say anything, Mom. He himself started this all."

"Are you seeing your beloved son's acts? He is doing a work that no one did in our family and it is considered a taboo in the society. He was flirting with a girl by, God forbid, holding her hands and doing other useless things and the whole world was seeing him. How will we be able to face the whole world now? Did you even think about it, Aqia," he asserted.

"That's called acting, Mr. Tashfeen. The whole world knows the difference between acting and real life. And the whole world knows this as well that it's a respectable profession now. Gone the 19th century. Don't know what taboo he is talking about."

Aqia whispered. "Huzaifa, stop..."

"Why should I...."

"Give me the phone. Let me have a serious talk with him," Tashfeen said, snatching the phone from her hand.

Tashfeen started. "Listen carefully now, your world's number one actor. Very soon, you will realize that you were wrong when you will be left with nothing and then you will again look at me. What you are opting, it's not going to give you anything other than humiliation. And after that, don't you ever come back to me by asking me to help you. I am dead for you, Huzaifa. I have nothing for you anymore. I tolerated you, I gave you relaxation, and today I realized, you can never respect me and my wishes. You have no importance for my words in front of your stupid passion. Let's see till how long you can survive like this."

Huzaifa clenched his jaw angrily. "Fine then. Both of us will see it together."


AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

How are you?

Here is a new chapter.

I hope you like it.

What do you think will happen next?

Do you think Tashfeen was unreasonable a bit?

Huzaifa is a character that is very new for me to write. He is nice but becomes a complete rascal as well lol. Shaiq from Far Away Love was his milder but gentler version. But here, this guy is completely different from any ML I ever wrote lol. I hope I can convey his character to you as I want.


I want to write some family bonding in HSH hence we are a bit delayed in the romance but don't worry, it's going to come soon and you guys will crave for it more hopefully. ❤

Please vote and comment. ❤

On a side note, if you read my message on my mb, you might have an idea already that Her Replaced Husband got flagged by Wattpad's internal system hence it's not visible in searches and lost each tag. Lately, I got to know that this is happening with a lot of writers so it gave me a bit of consolation maybe that it might be a glitch. I hope I won't lose my book and the issue gets resolved soon in a positive way for everyone. Please pray for that and share Her Replaced Husband with your friends.

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