1.6 New Students First Part

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Petunia P.O.V.

She and Lizzy, the inseparable duo known as the most popular girls in the school, were already up and buzzing with excitement for the day ahead. Petunia, with her rabbit-like features and a penchant for fashion, carefully adjusted her hair in the mirror, while Lizzy, her bestie, flipped through her phone, checking for any messages, notifications, or hot news.

"Ready for another fabulous day, Petunia?" Lizzy asked, flashing a bright smile as she snapped a quick selfie with her friend.

"Absolutely, Lizzy!" Petunia replied, striking a pose. "But first, let's have some self-made photoshoots, shall we?"

With that, Lizzy giggled in agreement and began to pose as well. Both friends began to pose, taking dozens of pictures while at the same time choosing pictures to upload to their PaperBook accounts.

Suddenly, their attention was drawn to the corridor as everyone who was around them and was busy suddenly made way. Herself and Lizzy both saw a girl being escorted by Miss Grace, the school's strict but quiet principal.

"Who's that?" Petunia whispered, nudging Lizzy as they observed the unfamiliar figure.

"I have no idea," Lizzy replied, squinting to get a better look. "Maybe she's a new student?"

The possibility of a new student, who has the possibility of being an addition to their social circle, piqued their interest, and they exchanged excited glances before tidying up their appearance and greeting the new girl.

As they approached Miss Grace, they saw the girl standing with a blank expression, clutching some books to her chest. Without hesitation, Petunia and Lizzy sauntered over, their confident strides drawing the attention of their peers.

"Greetings, Miss Grace. May we introduce ourselves to the new student?" Lizzy chirped, flashing her trademark grin. "I'm Lizzy, and this is Petunia. Are you new here?"

Miss Grace's silent but watchful eyes scanned over her and Lizzy, but they didn't budge from their position.

Then the girl nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Yes, and thank you for giving your name; in return, I will give mine. Anyway, my name's Rasazy."

"Well, Rasazy, welcome to Paper School!" Petunia exclaimed, her friendly demeanor putting the newcomer at ease. "You're going to love it here. We'll show you around and introduce you to everyone."

But then Miss Grace interrupted them by saying, "I'm afraid you had to do that for some other time. Student Petunia and Lizzy, Rasazy, will not be late for her first day of school, first class. Isn't that right? Rasazy"

Rasazy then said, "I suppose so. Maybe you two can introduce me to everyone when we meet again at a different time."

Despite the rejection of their offer, Petunia and Lizzy aren't quite petty to be offended; after all, even though they're the most popular girls in school, they're still students like the others,so they both begrudgingly look at the prospect of introducing Rasazy soon to everyone, and maybe they could have someone new in their social circle.

Petunia herself then stated, "That's a deal. Then, see you later or soon, Rasazy. Now, Lizzy, let's go. We don't want Miss Grace time to be bothered more than necessary, aren't we?"

Lizzy just nodded, and both of them proceeded to leave Miss Grace and the new student Rasazy and continue their self-made photoshoot before going to their first class.

Engel P.O.V.

Engel observed Lizzy and Petunia seamlessly transitioning from greeting the new student to resuming their selfie session, a sight that struck him as peculiar. It wasn't every day that a newcomer was escorted by Miss Grace herself, adding to the enigma surrounding the situation. He couldn't recall a time when a principal personally escorted a new student, heightening his curiosity.

Just moments ago, Claire's arrival stirred rumors throughout the school, leading Engel to assume she was the only new addition. Discovering there were two newcomers piqued his interest even further, leaving him with the distinct impression that there was more to the second arrival than met the eye.

Lost in his thoughts, Engel felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, and turning, he found Bubble, his ever-attentive best friend, standing beside him.

"Penny for your deep thoughts, Engel?" Bubble inquired with a look towards his face.

Engel offered a sheepish grin in response. "It's nothing, Bubble. Just a passing thought."

Bubble raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "It's about the new student, isn't it? It's certainly unusual to have another newcomer besides Claire."

Engel's surprise was evident as he nodded in agreement. "Am I really that transparent?"

Bubble rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes, and let's not dwell on mysteries. We have Miss Circle's class starting soon, and we wouldn't want to be late, would we?"

Feeling a flush of embarrassment, Engel scratched his head awkwardly before nodding in agreement. With Bubble by his side, he made his way towards their first class, eager to put aside his ponderings and focus on the day ahead.

Miss Circle P.O.V.

In the quiet confines of Paper School, Miss Circle, the formidable math teacher, sat at her desk with an air of calculated patience. She was known not only for her exceptional mathematical skills but also for her chilling reputation-a reputation built upon her unsettling tendency to deal with failure in a manner most would deem extreme and brutal.

Today was no ordinary day for Miss Circle. She awaited the arrival of two new students, Claire and Rasazy, with a sense of anticipation tinged with predatory instinct. They were yet to experience the weight of her expectations and the consequences of falling short in her class. But for now, Miss Circle masked her intentions behind a veneer of professional composure, her true motives hidden beneath a facade of normalcy and Cheshire Grin.

As she waited, Miss Circle's eyes flickered to Abbie, a student who had failed in his class with his assignment,but for now she wouldn't do "something" until later on. After all, when classes start, the exit door is properly locked to ensure no one gets out,and unfortunately for those who failed in their education, this is the place where they will breathe their last. Abbie sat hunched over his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he grappled with the mathematical equations before him. Little did Abbie know, he was but a pawn in Miss Circle's game, a sacrificial lamb awaiting the predator's strike.

With a deft motion, Miss Circle reached for her left forearm compass, a seemingly innocuous tool that held a deadly purpose in her use. She ran her fingers over its sleek surface, the sharp point concealed from view, waiting patiently for the moment when it would be unleashed upon the unsuspecting failure.

As the minutes stretched on, the door to the classroom remained closed, the new arrivals yet to make their entrance. Miss Circle's patience wore thin, her anticipation mounting with each passing second. She made a mental note to observe Claire and Rasazy closely to assess their potential and determine whether they would meet her exacting standards or fall victim to her merciless judgment.

For now, Miss Circle hid her true intentions behind a mask of professionalism, her gaze betraying nothing of the predatory instinct that lurked beneath the surface. The stage was set, the pieces in place, and as the clock ticked on, Miss Circle knew that her time to reveal her deadly hand was fast approaching.

Note: Before you ask about how Claire and Rasazy are new transfer students on the same day,when in the last chapters Claire's new student form wasn't in the text, it was because Claire enrolled earlier, like maybe a few weeks before Rasazy's arrival, thus almost all the teachers knew that there was a new student. But in Rasazy case, her enrollment is quite fast in comparison to Claire, and that is due to Miss Grace's authority as principal, and due to the fast enrollment of Rasazy, only Miss Circle has read the Second New Student Form of Rasazy, and the other teachers aren't quite sure there is a Second New Student yet.

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن